[Freemint-list] FreeMiNT for 21st century

Mark Duckworth mduckworth at atari-source.org
Thu Jan 12 18:07:35 MSK 2017

_I_ don't.  I probably should, but I don't.  My first run through the
source code and a debug kernel was only a couple days ago (but was very

But thing is, many people work under these conditions.  That's why make
is only supposed to rebuild the affected files.  People who work on
large software projects simply cannot iterate like that.  Even the linux
kernel on a modern pc probably takes just as long as freemint on a ct60.

My goal has always been to do real work on a real machine.  Thus I
wanted to extend QED into an IDE in the most minimal sense:

c/c++ code completion
project manager/browser
compile/clean from menus

later on it would be awesome to process the errors so you can click to
go to the line with the error and gdb support.

I suppose though when working on the kernel this would just be a silly
handcuff since you have to reboot the machine to run it but then again I
have like 10 atari machines here so I could work on one to develop for
the other.

Besides on my atari I use distcc to a linux server running a cross
compiler.  It's a bit of cheating but builds happen really fast ;)


On 01/12/2017 09:57 AM, Jo Even Skarstein wrote:
> Den 12.01.2017 15:40, skrev Mark Duckworth:
>> I actually build freemint on an atari TT for what it's worth ;)
> "Build" and "development" is not the same thing ;) If you're actually 
> writing source code, compiling, getting errors, correcting errors, 
> compiling again, testing, finding bugs, debugging, compile, correct 
> typos, compile again, finding new bugs.. Then I'm very impressed :)
> Jo Even

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