[Freemint-list] FreeMiNT for 21st century

Alan Hourihane alanh at fairlite.co.uk
Fri Jan 13 13:39:28 MSK 2017

On 13/01/17 00:39, Miro Kropáček wrote:
> On 13 January 2017 at 07:54, Peter Slegg <p.slegg at scubadivers.co.uk
> <mailto:p.slegg at scubadivers.co.uk>> wrote:
>     I had assumed the builds were automated a long time ago or was it
>     just the kernel ?
> They are, it's just a set of scripts after all.
> There are several problems with current state of things, though:
>   * if something breaks, you'll get to know about it only the next day

We could enable post-commit scripts where the build takes place after
every commit, then you'd know about it immediately.

>   * to even get to know about it you must convince Alan to commit it first

That takes little convincing. I'm all for more people having access to
the CVS (or git).

>   * if you commit something terrible, Alan will be very angry ;)

Mmm? We should be at least building the patches we commit so we don't
break the build. Testing is a different matter as there may be subtle
issues introduced. There aren't that many of us left to do that either.

>   * perhaps some more

Well, from my perspective I was never really handed the batten from
Frank to handle FreeMiNT. I was the only one actively working on changes
at the time when Frank was (now known) to be having health issues and I
had very infrequent contact with him during that time. I ended up being
the de-facto person just because I was working on code.

I am more than happy for others to jump in and develop the code and have
direct access to the CVS, as of more recent months/years I've been
trying to develop hardware so that more people can actually run FreeMiNT
on their real Ataris. After trying on my STE it was painful in 4MB and
on my Megafile 30. Hence IDE boards, 8MB memory boards and then the

In that light I've had little time for real FreeMiNT development, and I
can't see that changing any time soon. I'm concentrated on the Unicorn
USB drivers recently for TOS, and currently writing the STiNG drivers too.

So MiKRO, feel free to convert to git, move to atariforge.org as there
is already a FreeMiNT project there, just announce when you're ready and
we can all shift to development there and more admins can manage the

Thanks for your efforts,


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