[Freemint-list] FreeMiNT for 21st century

Miro Kropáček miro.kropacek at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 03:17:53 MSK 2017

On 14 January 2017 at 00:21, Alan Hourihane <alanh at fairlite.co.uk> wrote:

> O.k. github works too.
> Miro, feel free to move it there.
> I'm taking a step back here, so feel free to do what works.

As mentioned before, everything is virtually done. :) Few things we should
sort out first:

   - are you still willing to review patches (pull requests now) ? Instead
   of posting patches to the list everyone would create a PR, you (and others
   who are either project admins/contributors or watchers) would get an
   automated email about that (and you can interactively comment lines of code
   you don't like); if the PR is OK, you literally just press one button and
   voila, it's in master for everyone
   - are you ok to have the main github's repository under my name? Or
   should we create a github account, say, sparemint for that? (there's
   basically zero difference, I'd make you project admin for all projects --
   freemint, lib, mintlib, qed, perhaps others lying dead in our CVS)
   - are we going to use github's Issues instead of, largely ignored,
   Mantis we have now? (would make sense, you can reference issues in commits
   and vice versa)
   - can anyone think of anything else?

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
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