[Freemint-list] Where is my commit?

Helmut Karlowski helmut.karlowski at ish.de
Sat Jan 28 17:12:42 MSK 2017

Am 28.01.2017, 12:24 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière:

> Mistakes:
> "commit" works only locally. Then you have to "push" your work to GitHub.
> -F is the message file, not the file to commit

The -F did what I intended.

> Solutions:
> First, if not done already, I urge you to do the following configuration
> commands, just once:
> git config --global user.name "Helmut Karlowski"
> git config --global user.email "helmut.karlowski at ish.de"

Obviously I already had done that long ago, that's the reason for the  
strange name in the log. How can I change only that name?

> Enable new push mode:
> git config --global push.default simple
> # This will avoid questions when doing git push

There were no questions.

> In most cases, I strongly advise to use Git GUI to make commits. It has  
> nice
> UI, and after you get the right habits, it is very efficient.

I don't have it, and prefer command-line anyway.

> # Prepare (= "stage") your files for commit
> git add . # to add all your changes
> git add only_this_file

Why did it work without "add" then, and what are the consequences?



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