[Freemint-list] Load MINT.CNF at odd address

Markus Fröschle mfro999 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 00:13:05 MSK 2017

Am 20.03.2017 um 17:13 schrieb Thorsten Otto:

> buffer. So i would think that it is just superflous, maybe some relict of an
> older version of the functions. And even if it is needed, it could easily be
> fixed there by allocating 1 byte more and setting inf->src to buf + 2.

Just followed the history of cnf.c.

The buffer handling existed like this even from the earliest commit (2000).

I would assume if TOS (/AHDI) wouldn't support unaligned buffers, 
somebody should have already recognized that problem.

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