From muster!!!!!!!sunic!!!!!hallvart Fri Sep 30 13:46:18 1994 Path: muster!!!!!!!sunic!!!!!hallvart From: (Hallvard Tangerås) Newsgroups: Subject: useful auto prgs/ACCs? Date: 28 Sep 1994 19:00:11 +0100 Organization: Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway Lines: 49 Message-ID: <36cavb$> NNTP-Posting-Host: I have an STE with TOS 2.06 and 2MB RAM. As I don't have a hard disk I use about 1MByte for a RAM disk, and always start up with a startup disk I've made. On this disk I have various useful utilities, like in the auto folder: -automouse (mousekamania)- let's you use custom mouse pointers, even moving ones! -Selectric alternative file selector, with copy/move/delete functions etc. so you can do that within a program! -HD_fdc changes the step rate for HD drives, but I need it for my 720K drive since TOS 2.06 made it very noisy! This helps -noclick removes the annoying keyclick! -fuji shows a rotating "Fuji" (the Atari symbol) in the top left hand corner, so you can see if the computer's "locked"/"frozen" or not, and looks pretty cool too! -silkmouse mouse accelerator and screen saver with lots of features for ACC I have the following: -Chameleon (2 of them!) for loading/unloading (most) accessories without having to reboot the computer and installing new accessories all the time. -Mdisk reset-survivable RAM disk -N_capslock (I think that's the name) shows if the capslock is on or off by showing a black or white box in the upper right corner (does anyone know if this is available as a prg that can be put in the auto folder? -mauswindow window-topper; you don't need to click on the new window to access it, just moving the mouse to the window you want to use will highlight it! (it would be nice to also have this one as an "auto" program) on the disk I also have a nice text editor called -7up, which is a program, and also -Edith 1.0 which can be used as an accessory. -DCxtract for decompressing files -renameit for renaming files with "nonstandard" characters -undelete, for undeleting accidentally deleted files -UNIX2ST/ST2UNIX for converting end-of-line characters between the two -Hcopy 1.6 for formatting (MSDOS) and copying disks well, that's it- and I also use "Stzip" and "Lharc" for decompressing, although a single 720K disk can't room them in addition to all of this. So, are there any other useful programs out there that I could/should add? Forget about the size limitation of the disk, I just want to know for future use, when I get a hard disk. Thanks. Hallvard, Oslo, Norway From muster!!!!!!!!!oleane!pipex!insignia!carpal!graham Fri Sep 30 13:46:18 1994 Newsgroups: Path: muster!!!!!!!!!oleane!pipex!insignia!carpal!graham From: (Graham Beint, 321) Subject: Re: useful auto prgs/ACCs? Message-ID: Sender: (Usenet News) Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: Organization: Insignia Solutions Ltd., UK References: <36cavb$> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 21:18:43 GMT Lines: 52 In article, (Hallvard Tangerås) writes: > >I have an STE with TOS 2.06 and 2MB RAM. As I don't have a hard disk >I use about 1MByte for a RAM disk, and always start up with a startup >disk I've made. >On this disk I have various useful utilities, like in the auto folder: ... >So, are there any other useful programs out there that I could/should add? Forget >about the size limitation of the disk, I just want to know for future use, when I >get a hard disk. While you are booting from floppy UVK As long as you keep it backed up stretch it to 935k with 11x84 sectors and use say PACK_ICE to squash the progs down. (yeah 10x82 is faster and safer, but try squeezing Calligrapher + Thes or That'sWrite with a useful set of fonts or Protext + Dictionary into less.) Pack ICE runs a tad slowly if you don't give it lots of memory. Try MAXIDISK to give your ramdisk 50% more space but make it only just big enough to hold your live system.then add one of the removable types such as RAMBABY.ACC for temporary use while copying stuff around. When you have a hard Disk UVK SUPERBOOT XCONTROL.ACC Ghostscript Also CHAMELEON.ACC * n SEBRA.ACC if you donb't have mono. GDOS 5.0 when you have a hard disk or at least 4Mb. (make sure GDOS 5.0 precedes MonSTEr or STRETCH otherwise it stamps on them.) From muster!!!uniol!!!!!!!MathWorks.Com!!gmi!msuinfo!!HOPPER_T Fri Sep 30 13:46:18 1994 Path: muster!!!uniol!!!!!!!MathWorks.Com!!gmi!msuinfo!!HOPPER_T From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: useful auto prgs/ACCs? Date: 29 Sep 1994 01:26:36 GMT Organization: MSU Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Lines: 126 Message-ID: <36d54c$> References: <36cavb$> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <36cavb$>, (Hallvard Tangerås) writes: > >I have an STE with TOS 2.06 and 2MB RAM. As I don't have a hard disk >I use about 1MByte for a RAM disk, and always start up with a startup >disk I've made. I would add: FOLDRxxx.PRG - AUTO folder program that expands the 40 folder limit (just replace "xxx" with the number of folders you want). HSMODA04 - AUTO folder programs that fix the CTS/RTS bug and generally improve the computer's serial communications GUCK1.8 and 1STVIEW - file viewers that will view darn near any file you come across. GUCK runs from the desktop (no memory consumption) and views lots of picture formats, as well as some document types. 1STVIEW is an accessory that views almost as many files, and adds RSC files to the list. RECV_CAN.LZH - Allows you to put a recoverable trash can on the desktop; dragging files to this program's icon meerly hides files. Double-click on the program icon to see what files have been "deleted," and either permanently delete them or indelete (unhide) them. ALIBI17 - Creates an alias of a program; put aliases of your most used programs in one folder so you can just double click the alias to run them, rather than clicking through a bunch of directories. LOADINF - Install it as an application for *.INF files, then set up a different NEWDESK.INF file for each task (DTP, Telecomm, etc.) and when you double click on the INF file, your desktop will be automatically configured. DESKTIPS - this text file (available at HENSA and other archives, or direct from me) tells you all about the NEWDESK.INF file (and how to use LOADINF). A real must if you want to get the most out of your computer. TWOINONE - Multiple archive shell. Very nice, and available in both English and German. PROTECT6 - From Lars Erik Oesterud, this is a boot-sector and link virus monitor. Good way to protect your system, and cheap shareware! ACC13 - AUTO folder program that allows you to load accessories from a folder. SUPERBOOT 8.1 - Select auto programs, Desktop INF, Accessories, and any other type of file you want at boot-up. SILKBOOT - eliminates the 90 second boot-delay by polling ASCI device 0 for a "ready" signal. ST TOOLS 1.93 - good shareware disk editor/repairer/optimizer. Defragments any drive. FOLDER SORT - Lets you sort the order of files in any folder (esp. the AUTO folder!). Rock-solid opperation. DC or Diamond Format - two great disk formatters. (use 80 tracks, 10 sectors/track, twisted format for reliable and fast 809kb disks. Diamond Find - find any file on any drive. LED Panel 2.7 - AUTO program that can show Capslock, drive read/write, time, and date or any combination of those. Completely configurable. Schoner - simple, but very nice accessory screen saver. Freeware, I think. Midnight - better, and more expensive, screen saver accessory. SCROLL FIXER - by Ian Lepore. If you experience double scrolls when you only clicked for one, this accessory solve your problem. Something to change the system font. Sorry, I can't remember the name of any of these programs. I strongly suggest one of the following commercial programs: Warp9 ST - Speed up your system (screen drawing, actually) by several hundred percent, have a built-in screen saver, change the system font and the desktop pattern (replace it with a picture, if you want!), mouse accelerator, use function keys to select dialog box choices (F1-F3) (this can also be done with DC Funk Alert), and more. NVDI - Does the same job as Warp9, only speeds things up even more and is (by most accounts) more compatible with programs. Includes GDOS and lets you change the system font, but lacks the other ammenities of Warp9. Once you've given one of these a try, you'll never want to work without them! There is an old version of Warp9 called Quick ST in the public domain. You might check it out; it has about a 150%-200% overall increase, though it isn't so fast as either Warp9 or NVDI, nor is it nearly so compatible with application programs. Other than that, sounds like you've got all the right programs. >On this disk I have various useful utilities, like in the auto folder: > >-automouse (mousekamania)- let's you use custom mouse pointers, even > moving ones! Another great shareware program from Charles F. Johnson! >-Selectric alternative file selector, with copy/move/delete functions > etc. so you can do that within a program! The best file selector! >for ACC I have the following: >-Chameleon (2 of them!) for loading/unloading (most) accessories without having > to reboot the computer and installing new accessories all the time. >-Mdisk reset-survivable RAM disk These two are staples on my desktop, too. (TOS 2.06, BTW) >-N_capslock (I think that's the name) shows if the capslock is on or off >by showing > a black or white box in the upper right corner (does anyone >know if this > is available as a prg that can be put in the auto folder? See LED Panel above. >-mauswindow window-topper; you don't need to click on the new window to >access it, just > moving the mouse to the window you want to use will highlight it! > (it would be nice to also have this one as an "auto" program) I think that a program called TOPDOWN does this, though I'm not sure (it is an AUTO program, though :-). >on the disk I also have a nice text editor called >-7up, which is a program, and also >-Edith 1.0 which can be used as an accessory. You might also check out Everest. In my opinion, Everest is a more stable and generally better program (though doesn't look so pretty ;-). Best Regards, Tom