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Falcon Version User's Guide
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for the Atari Falcon
The World's First User's Guide Published on the
World-Wide Web!
Always up-to-date. Easy to navigate. Saves trees.
Saves time.
on-line version created:
July 21,
November 7, 2000
suggestions, corrections:
About Falcon BiT
Connecting an audio
Connecting to a video
Check Video Mode
A hands-free test and demo...
Introduction to BiT
Introducing the
Operating BiT BOPPER
Gaining control
More about
Hello World!
Final steps
Audio Trigger Level
All Clear (Resets
Auto Motion Damping (AMD)
Auto Random VideoGobo
VideoGobo Bank
Beat Color Change
Beat VideoGobo
Capture and Save
Color Bars
Cycle and Color RESET
Delete PhotoImage
Delete VideoGobo
[D]rift Colors
[E]xchange (swap)
Force OFF
Heads Up Display (HUD)
iCUE Alarms
Recall iCUE
Store iCUE
iCUE Directory -
New For Version
View contents of iCUE -
New For Version
Create iCUE
Delete iCUE
Edit iCUE
Playback iCUE
Loop iCUE
Sequence Playback - New
For Version 1.6!
Install Software
VideoGobo VideoGobo Layer
VideoGobo [L]ayer
VideoGobo LIVE mode!
Load PhotoImage
Load VideoGobo
Make VideoGobo
MIDI Learn
MIDI Reactive
[M]ix Color
[O]ne Color
Panic/Abort Button
Apply Primary
Color Filter
Sequence Bounce
Silent Color
Apply Spectrum
Color Filter
Transparency Mask
[U]ser Logon
Video [B]op
Color Filter Table
Spectrum Color
Filter Table
Trouble Shooting
Things to try...
Falcon file management
Falcon hardware
Timothy Wilson
MIDI Guy: Mark Pappakostas
Alex Blok
BiT BOPPER(tm) technology invented by Alex Blok for O
WONDER in 1979.
And there will be more...
Copyright © O Wonder 1992, 1993,
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. BiT BOPPER, CyberWriter, iCUE,
RamZapper, Sonovista, Video Bop, Video Bopping,
VideoGobo, Witness The Beat!, ZapFlash are all trademarks
of O Wonder. Atari is a registered trademark of Atari
Corporation. Falcon is a trademark of Atari
Reproduction of this document in any
manner without express written permission from the
copyright holder is forbidden.

Atari Corporation
Nick Baker (Phase I)
Steve Belcher
J., R., E., & T. Blok
Diane Boxill
David Brooks
John Brothers
Brian and Kate Christman / Archaos
Jack 'the formula' Corsello
Design Spectrum, Palo Alto
The Edge Danceclub, Palo Alto (See it there!)
Jeanne Edwards
Robert Ellington
Mathew Dodder
Russell Fish
Andrew Fisher
Lowell Fowler & all the wonderful people @
End Systems
T & J Gottelier @ WWG
Michael Groh
Paul Grosjean
Mark Holtz
Holly Kaslewicz & TaeYun Roe
Mark Keilaus
Daniel Kottke
Tom Lacey
Neil Lee
David Levine, Tod Rundgren and Michele Gray at Nutopia
Digital Video
George 'MIT' Mitsuoka
Johnny NG (Phase II)
Mark Pappakostas
Jimmy Patrick
Derek Rickles
Noel Saw
Mike Scully
Stefan G
George Taylor
Mat Thompson
Forrest Warthman & Cherry LeBrun
Timothy Wilson (Phase III)

CONGRATULATIONS on your purchase of the BiT BOPPER
Video Synthesizer and Video Typewriter system from O
WONDER. A revolutionary product that uses advanced
computer graphics and audio processing technology to
provide you and your audience with the most original live
graphics system ever devised.
While we are sure you are impatient to get going,
please take a little time to follow the first three
chapters. Once you have done this, the hardest part will
be over, and you will be ready to create dynamic visuals
like nothing else on Earth!
In the event you are unsure what to do when installing or
using BiT BOPPER, or think something is wrong, please
repeat the instructions given.
Still no luck?
Check Trouble Shooting in
If that doesn't help, please contact your authorized BiT
BOPPER dealer, or you may contact O Wonder direct. But
make sure you have your questions written down and have
noted the steps you carried out when experiencing a
problem. This will make it easier for someone to help
Like many
videographic devices, BiT BOPPER's animated output may
affect those subject to epileptic fits. Therefore, we ask
that the BiT BOPPER operator ensures any people who may
be troubled by this condition are informed prior to its
Connecting an audio source
Connecting a Line Level Audio
- Look for the Audio/Line Out output(s) on your
audio source.
- Plug the audio attenuator into the Microphone
input at the rear of the computer.
(The audio attenuator reduces the level of the line
level audio signal to that expected by the microphone
- Connect a phono/RCA type cable* to the audio
*Not supplied.
- Connect the other end of the phono cable to your
audio source.
The Microphone Input at the rear of the
Connecting a
- A microphone may be used in situations where it is
not possible to obtain a direct line input, however,
BiT BOPPER's audio analyzing system may be triggered
inadvertently if there is a lot of unwanted ambient
sound that microphones are liable to pick up.
- Connect the microphone to the Microphone input at
the rear of the computer.
The attenuator is not required. If your microphone has
a 1/4" (6mm) jack plug, you will need to obtain an
adapter to convert it to 1/8" (2.5mm).
Stereo Audio
Connecting a
video display
- The computer can be connected directly to any type
of video display such as those listed below:
- Video Projector.
- Video Wall.
- Video Monitor.
- Flat Panel Video Display.
Or the video signal may be routed through other
video devices, such as:
- Video Mixers.
- Video Distribution amplifiers
- Video Effects Systems.
- Video Cassette Recorders.
- Multimedia Computers (with video input.)
Choosing a position for the
video display
If you are using BiT BOPPER in a nightclub, on a
stage or other live environment, ensure the video
displays are not liable to be washed out by ambient
lighting, sunlight, fog machines etc.
Connect the video cable to the Monitor Output
on the rear panel of the computer
Connecting to a video device or
- Locate the supplied video cable and plug the
larger 19 pin connector into the Monitor output at the
rear of the computer.
- Connect the phono/RCA plug end of the video
adapter to the Video Input on your video display or
Connecting a Desktop Monitor via
a Video Distribution Amplifier
Certain installations may require the use of a
desktop monitor. In particular if the remote video
display is out of sight of the BiT BOPPER
- To connect more than one video display to the
computer requires the use of a Video Distribution
Amplifier, These are low cost devices readily
available from your audio visual retailer.
The above diagram shows a typical BiT BOPPER system
with a
video distribution amplifier providing an additional
signal for
connection to a desktop monitor
- Connect the Video Output to the video distribution
amplifier Video Input.
- Using readily available video cables, connect one
video distribution amplifier output to the desktop
monitor, and another to the remote video display.
If more outputs are available, then additional video
displays may be connected.

Check the
Video Mode is set for your country
If you have just purchased your BiT BOPPER, you must
check the video mode is set for your country. You will
only need to do this once, unless you move your BiT
BOPPER system to another country.
- Press the [Help] key on the keyboard to
display the Vision Control menu.
- Use the arrow keys to select the PREFERENCES
- Highlight the Video Mode item. If you are in
North America or Japan, the video mode will need to be
set to NTSC. For Europe, it must be set to
PAL. If you are unsure which video system is in
use in your country, please ask your local video
- If you need to change the Video Mode, highlight the
correct setting and press the [Return] key.
A hands-free test and demo...
Now that you have successfully installed your
BiT BOPPER system, you deserve a rest. (Even if you
are impatient to learn the system!)
We have included a fully automatic demonstration
mode that will not only confirm you have installed
your system correctly, but provide a short, but
effective overview of BiT BOPPER's capabilities
(although we think you will be able to do a lot better
as you graduate to CyberJockey status and program your
own effects!)
- Check the video display(s) are switched on.
- Run the software.
After the software has gone through its initialization
process, the BiT BOPPER logo image will be displayed.
After this disappears, an effect, image or message
based iCUE will be triggered automatically, depending
on the setting of the On Start Up option in the
Vision Control PREFERENCES menu.
The software is now ready....
- Switch on your audio source - and "pump up the
volume". A high energy dance track would be ideal.
Don't worry if you have no audio source at this stage
as the demo uses BiT BOPPER's Virtual Rhythm feature
to simulate a beat...
- Press the [Help] key on the keyboard to
display the Vision Control menu.
- Highlight the Demo option using the
[Up] and [Down] keys. Now press
[Return] or the [Right] arrow key to
activate the Demo...
- Enjoy!
The demo was created using BiT BOPPER's iCUE
- To abort the demo sequence at any time, press
[Clr/Home] at least once.
At the end of the demo, please read THE BASICS and
GUIDED TOUR chapters of this User's Guide in order
that you may learn how to create effect like that
shown in the demo.

Introduction to BiT BOPPER
BiT BOPPER is a proprietary software/hardware
mix that allows for the spontaneous display of
computer images and text onto a variety of video
displays such as video walls, video projectors, video
monitors or televisions.
At the heart of the groove lies O Wonder's ingenious
BiT BOPPER(tm) Dynamic Graphics from Audio technology
that animates and colorizes special computer images
(VideoGobos) in response to an audio source, operator
interaction, MIDI control - or all three methods
- With a little imagination and experimentation,
some spectacular and sometimes enchanting visual
effects may be generated for use at:
- Music and dance venues
- Television studios
- Architectural projects
- Corporate presentation
or anywhere else where dramatic or romantic visuals
are required to create a unique and sometimes
enchanting environment.
Additionally, the CyberWriter intelligent video
typewriter and PhotoImage photo-realistic slide-show
features turn BiT BOPPER into the most eye catching
interactive advertising and promotional medium ever
It's all real-time!
In the past, such capability would require hours in
a video editing suite and would subsequently only be
available pre-recorded, making live use ineffective.
With BiT BOPPER, you can now interact with the
machine, improvising as you go, ensuring that each
show is exclusive to your audience.
Introducing the remarkable iCUE
- If you would rather work with pre-set or automated
effects, a massive digital memory allows ANY
- VideoGobo Effect
- PhotoImage
- CyberWriter Message
to be stored as an 'iCUE' (Intelligent CUE) for
instant recall at any time.
Interactive or Automatic
BiT BOPPER has been designed to allow you to switch
between different features and special effects at the
press of a button. In most cases, the response is
instant. Ideal for live use where split second timing
it critical.
Alternatively, if you wish to let the system do all
the work for you, iCUEs may be joined together using
the timer based iCUE Sequencer to produce an automatic
"lighting-by-video" show.
How does BiT BOPPER work?
BiT BOPPER can be thought of as a digital slide
projector, with the VideoGobo or PhotoImages
electronic "slides" that are "projected" onto your
video display.
By combining different VideoGobos with BiT BOPPER's
range of special effects and color filters, you can
create a myriad of kaleidoscopic or organic visuals.
And to provide even more creative potential, any two
VideoGobos can be layered one atop the other to form a
completely new effect. And by using a range of
Transparency Masks that govern how much of the back
VideoGobo image is visible through the front
VideoGobo, a near limitless permutation of new
patterns can be created.
VideoGobos are stored on the computer's internal
hard disk. Any individual VideoGobo can be accessed
and displayed instantaneously. Alternatively,
VideoGobos may be loaded off the hard disk into RAM
(Random Access Memory) in BANKS of up to 10 VideoGobos
at a time. When VideoGobos are in RAM, they may be
displayed at very high speeds using an innovative
range of automatic or sound triggered sequencing
Introducing the VideoGobo(tm)
What is a VideoGobo?
- A VideoGobo is the digital equivalent of the
optomechanical "gobo*" used in conventional theater,
studio and nightclub lighting.
VideoGobos allow spectacular audio or user animated
graphics to be generated.
*Pronounced "Go Bow".
Simplified diagram of a conventional gobo in
In conventional lighting, a light blocking stencil
(gobo) with a pattern cut out or etched into it is placed
in front of a lightsource. This in turn projects the
light pattern onto a surface such as a dance floor or
wall. Electric stepper motors spin the gobos while
different colored and shaped filters placed in front of
the light source are used to provide a variety of optical
effects. Motorized mirrors are often used to direct the
light beam from lighting rigs mounted above a dance floor
or studio.
VIDEOGobos are computer graphic images, (technically
known as "bit maps") therefore they can be colored,
illuminated, manipulated and sequenced in a manner that
would be difficult or impossible using conventional
gobos. VideoGobos can be of any design, ranging from
basic abstract shapes and logos, through to complex
mathematical fractal patterns. Digitized video images,
photographs or artwork can also be used to great
A library of VideoGobos is supplied with BiT BOPPER,
however, additional images may be imported. (See Advanced
Like conventional gobos, VideoGobos can be colored using
a range of Color Filters.
Technically speaking...
A VideoGobo is a bit map image that BiT BOPPER can
manipulate and animate in real-time using advanced color
cycling and image processing techniques.
VideoGobos are by default grayscale images - that is, no
specific colors are assigned to the pixels until the user
or the software re-defines the palette using BiT BOPPER's
range of Color Filters.
Operating BiT BOPPER
BiT BOPPER's functions are all operated by
pressing a specific key or key combination on the
computer keyboard. The keys have been specially chosen to
make operation as obvious and convenient as possible. In
most cases, the key corresponds to the first letter of
that function. For example, the [K] key will
Kaleidoscope a VideoGobo, the [G] key will cause
the VideoGobos to Glide - and so on.

Keyboard Layout
The keyboard is divided up into 4 main areas:
The Main Keyboard
- This is where each of BiT BOPPER's features or
visual effects are turned ON or OFF. The
[Shift], [Alternate],
[Control] and [Esc] keys have special
functions that depend on the feature being used.
The Arrow Keys
Depending on which mode BiT BOPPER is in at the time,
the [Up], [Down], [Left] and
[Right] arrow keys are used to navigate the
Vision Control menu or to make fine adjustments to the
characteristics of particular BiT BOPPER effects
during live use.
The Numeric Keypad
These keys are used the most. The numbers are used in
conjunction with the [Enter] key to load
VideoGobos, PhotoImages, Spectrum Color Filters, iCUEs
and iCUE Sequences. The [+] and [-]
keys are used for selecting VideoGobo layers. The
[*] key is used to perform any iCUE related
The Function Keys
These are primarily designed to provide single
keypress access to up to 100 iCUEs for use during a
live performance. They are also used for VideoGobo
Jamming. VideoGobo Banks are loaded by holding down a
[Shift] key and pressing the appropriate
function key.
The Hardware
The 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive is used for
importing files, for making backups and to Capture
& Save BiT BOPPER's imagery. The Disk Access Lamp
illuminates whenever the built-in hard disk or floppy
drive are in use.
NEVER remove a floppy disk while the disk access
lamp is lit.

Step-by-step instructions to help
you become
familiar with operating BiT BOPPER
Getting going
Switching On
- Check the computer is connected to a remote video
display and an audio source, as described in the
PLUGGING IN chapter.
- Switch on the audio source. Ideally, play a good
dance track.
- Switch on the computer using the power switch at
the rear of the unit.
The software will go through a short initialization
process where it loads various data files into memory.
If this is the first time your system has been used,
then iCUE 1 from the SYSTEM User Area* will be
displayed automatically. (*More on that later.) If the
audio trigger level is correct, then a VideoGobo
pattern should begin animating in synchronization with
the audio source.
Adjusting the Audio Trigger Level
- Hold down the [Control] key and tap the
[Up] or [Down] until the image appears
to animate well with the music.
- If you would like some form of visual feedback,
use the HUD...
The Heads Up Display (HUD)
- This provides on screen visual feedback when
operating the majority of BiT BOPPER's 'live'
features. The HUD is ideal when you are learning the
system, or making fine adjustments. You would not use
it during an actual live performance.
- Hold down [Control] and press
[Tab] to switch ON the HUD.
- Now adjust the Audio Trigger Level again.
An on screen bargraph and numeric readout will appear
for as long as you are making any adjustments. The
Audio Trigger Level you just set will be remembered by
the system permanently, or until it is
- To switch the HUD OFF, hold down [Shift]
and press [Tab].
Assigning USER Numbers
- BiT BOPPER stores iCUEs in 10 different User Areas
on the hard disk. User area 0 is reserved for the
System where factory preset iCUEs for demonstration
purposes are stored. However, user areas 1 to 9 are
free for use by operators of your system.
- At this stage, you should assign yourself and any
colleagues a user number between 1 and 9.
You can also assign a 12 character name to each user
number as a reminder.
- To set-up the User Names, you need to use Vision
Control, BiT BOPPER's menu driven visual
Gaining control...
Vision Control
- Vision Control is an easy to use visual interface
for setting up various BiT BOPPER parameters and
preferences, and for programming the iCUE Sequencer
and Alarms. It also allows you to perform a range of
filing operations such as installing additional
VideoGobos, backing up iCUEs etc.
For now, we will use Vision Control to enter the user
names of those who will be operating your BiT BOPPER
system. Don't worry if no one else is about, you can
add more names later.
- Press [Help] to display Vision Control.
The MAIN Menu will appear.
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
browse through the menu items until the
PREFERENCES Menu item is highlighted. Some
items may be off the screen. If so, scroll through
until you find the item you want.
Sub-Menus & Option Lists
- If a menu item is followed by three dots, like
this..., then selecting that item will display another
sub-menu or sometimes, a dialog box or table where you
may be required to enter some information. On the
other hand, if a menu item is followed by a colon,
like this: then an Option List will appear to the
right of that menu item. To go to a Sub-Menu or to
move the highlight bar into an Option List, use the
[Right] arrow key.
- Now use the [Up] and [Down] keys
to highlight the Assign Usernames... item.
- Press [Return] or the [Right] key
to select it.
- Highlight a User Number for yourself.
- Type in your name (up to 12 characters) and press
- Repeat from step 5 for your other colleagues, or
you can enter their names on another occasion. The
user names will be permanently remembered by BiT
BOPPER until they are changed.
- Press [Help] to exit Vision Control.
Logging On
- Each time BiT BOPPER is switched on, you need to
tell it which user you are so the system knows where
to store (or recall) your iCUEs. Someone else may have
used the system before you, and if you don't log on,
you may be working in their user area!
- To find out which user is selected, press
[Help] to display the Vision Control menu. The
current user number and name will be displayed in the
top right of the screen.
- To log on, press the [U] key followed by
your user number. For example, if you are user number
1, then you would press [U] then
The system will permanently remember who last logged
on and select that User Area when it is next switched
User Area 0 is reserved for the system.
More about VideoGobos!
Previewing VideoGobos
- VideoGobos are loaded and displayed by typing in a
number on the numeric keypad and pressing the
[Enter] key. First of all you may want to
Preview the supplied VideoGobos and choose one or two
to use for this tutorial.
- Press [Help] to display Vision
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
highlight the VIDEOGOBO Menu item.
- Select the VIDEOGOBO Menu item by pressing the
[Right] or [Return] key.
- Highlight and select the PREVIEW VideoGobos
item The VideoGobos on the hard disk will be displayed
in groups of 4, with the corresponding VideoGobo
number shown in one corner.
- Browse through the VideoGobos using the
[Left] and [Right] keys. Use the
[Up] and [Down] keys to jump through
the VideoGobos ten at a time if you wish. There are 60
VideoGobos supplied with BiT BOPPER. Ten of the images
are similar fractal images which are used for the
VideoGobo Bank based effects. You will learn about
VideoGobo Banks later.
- Make a note of the numbers of one or two VideoGobo
patterns you like.
- Press [Esc] to abort from PREVIEW and
return to Vision Control.
- Press [Help] or [Esc] to exit
Vision Control and return to Live mode. Live mode is
when BiT BOPPER is not in Vision Control mode, or
displaying any text or PhotoImages on the screen.
To exit directly from any part of the Vision
Control menu hierarchy back to Live mode, press
Loading a VideoGobo
- Using the numeric keypad, key in a VideoGobo
number and press [Enter].
- The VideoGobo will be loaded. If music is playing,
then the VideoGobo will animate in sync with the
music. You can manually "Bump" the image by pressing
the [Space Bar] on the keyboard at any time.
It is important to note that certain VideoGobos
work better than others. For sound-to-light effects,
the spirals and radial patterns are best.
Changing the Color of a VideoGobo
- Colors may be applied to VideoGobos using a
variety of methods:
Applying Primary Color Filters
- These are listed in the APPENDIX
and are applied directly using the number keys along
the top of the main keyboard, NOT the numeric
- Press [6] and the VideoGobo should turn
red. (If it isn't already.)
If the colors appear to be changing on their own,
press the [Clr/Home] key to turn OFF any
special effects that may happen to be ON. The
[Clr/Home] key is situated near the
[Help] key.
- Press the other number keys to try the other
Primary Color Filters. Keys 8 and 9 will have no
effect as BiT BOPPER is currently in Single Layer
VideoGobo mode.
Applying Spectrum Color Filters
- Spectrum Color Filters are a range of
professionally created color filters. Some are made up
of a mix of colors, while others are based on 'fades'
or 'washes' of particular color tones.
Spectrum Color Filters are listed in the APPENDIX
and are applied using the numeric keypad.
- Press the [.] key on the numeric
- Type in a number based on your selection from the
- Press [Enter]. If you wait too long before
pressing [Enter], BiT BOPPER will time out and
you will need to repeat from step 1 again.
[D]rifting Colors
- Drift causes the colors making up a VideoGobo to
blend randomly through both the Primary and Spectrum
color filter tables.
- Press [D] to switch Drift ON. The colors
will gently change.
- To switch Drift OFF, either press [D] on
its own, or hold down [Shift] and press
[D]. Holding down [Shift] while
pressing a command key ensures that feature (in this
case Drift) is absolutely definitely switched
Beat Color Change
- For a dramatic effect, the Spectrum color filters
can be changed on the Beat using the Beat Color Change
- Press [A]. On each beat, a random spectrum
color filter will be applied to the VideoGobo.
- To turn this feature OFF, press [A]
Adjusting the Color Cycling Speed
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
adjust the Cycle speed. Alternatively, while keeping
one of the [Shift] keys pressed, press one of
the numbers along the top of the keyboard.
[Shift]+[1] selects the slowest cycle
speed, while [Shift]+[0] is the
fastest. (Very fast cycle speeds will sometimes create
strange results due to a variety of optical
- Although the cycling Direction is triggered on the
beat, the [Left] and [Right] arrow
keys can be used to do this manually, alternatively,
press the [Space Bar] to 'Bump' the image.
The [Space Bar] simulates the effect of an
audio beat.
VideoGobo Illumination
- Notice that the VideoGobo 'lights up' in response
to the beat of the music. When the music falls silent,
the screen will turn black. However, by using the
Illuminate Lock control you can force the VideoGobo to
remain illuminated, even when there is no beat.
- Press the [i] key on the keyboard to
'lock' the Illumination of the VideoGobo.
Although the VideoGobo remains illuminated when the
music falls silent, the cycling direction will still
change on the beat. (If Illuminate Lock doesn't switch
ON when you first press [i], press [i]
- Press [i] again to turn Illuminate Lock
- The [O] key can be used to turn
[O]ne Color Lock ON or OFF. This leaves one of
the colors making up a VideoGobo illuminated creating
an interesting effect. Try it!
(It is possible that One Color Lock may already have
been switched ON when the demo system iCUE was
recalled automatically on startup.)
Special Effects
- Press the [K] key to
[K]aleidoscope the VideoGobo. This reduces the
image by one quarter and then produces reflected
- Press the [G] key to make the image
[G]lide. If there is music playing, the image
will bounce around changing direction on the
- To vary the Glide speed, hold down
[Alternate] and press [G]. Release
both keys and then press a number along the top of the
keyboard between [1] and [9].
[1] is slowest, [9] is fastest.
See the REFERENCE chapter for more details on the
above effects.
Break Time - Go Wild!
- Press the [R] key. You are witnessing the
[R]amZapper, an effect designed for those
moments when the music's energy level reaches
- Press [R] again to turn RamZapper off. In
the Reference chapter you will learn how to vary the
RamZapper speed. Like all BiT BOPPER effects,
RamZapper may be activated at any time. And you can
still adjust the Color Filters, Cycle Speed and other
controls while the effect is in action.
[Clr/Home] resets or switches
OFF the various VideoGobo effects,
returning the on screen visuals to a sense of
Introducing Layering
- BiT BOPPER has the capability to layer one
VideoGobo on top of another. This allows a wide
variety effects to be achieved because the two images
may be manipulated and colored independently of each
- Double-click the [+] or [-] key to
switch BiT BOPPER into dual layer mode. Although you
can use the [+] or [-] keys along the
top of the main keyboard area, it is best to use the
keys on the numeric keypad as this is where your
fingers will spend most of their time when operating
- Press the [-] key to select the back
- Use [Control]+[P] to browse
through the VideoGobo library and pick a design you
like. (Soon you will remember your favorite designs).
Press [Esc] to turn Preview OFF. Incidentally,
you can use Preview at any time, but remember, it is
best to preview your VideoGobos before a live
- Using the numeric keypad, key in the number of the
VideoGobo and press the [Enter] key. The
VideoGobo will be loaded into the selected layer.
- Now press the [+] key to select the front
(top) layer.
- Load a VideoGobo into the front layer. The
VideoGobo will appear on top of the first VideoGobo
you chose.
- Use the number keys along the top of the keyboard
to change the color of the front VideoGobo.
- The [+] and [-] keys are used to
make a particular layer 'active' so you can apply any
BiT BOPPER special effect to an individual layer -
with the exception of [G]lide, which makes
both layers Glide together.
Selecting Both Layers
- Pressing the [X] key will make both layers
active so you can apply an effect to both layers
- Press [X].
- Press [K] and the Kaleidoscope effect will
be applied to both layers. If one of the layers was
already Kaleidoscoped, then it will be
- To make an individual layer active again, press
[+] or [-].
Layer Swapping
- Press the [L] key to switch the layer
position of the VideoGobos. This will move the
VideoGobo in the background into the foreground layer
and likewise, the foreground VideoGobo into the
background layer.
Applying Transparency Masks
- Hold down the [Control] key and press
keyboard keys [1] to [5] in turn to
select different Transparency Masks. These effect how
much of the front VideoGobo is made transparent to the
back layer VideoGobo.
A table of Transparency Masks is shown in the
Hello World!
Introducing the CyberWriter
- Press the [W] key and keep your eyes on
the keyboard, not the video screen.
- Very carefully, (preferably using just one
finger), type the following on the keyboard:
Hey guys, the writing is on
the screen!
There is no need to press [Return] as the
CyberWriter will automatically format your message.
You can use [Return] to force a new line.
- If you think you made a typing error, press the
[Delete] or [Backspace] key to erase
the previous character.
- When you have finished typing, press the
[Enter] key on the numeric keypad. Quick,
watch the screen...
Your message will appear in Page mode layout.
- Press any key to remove the message from the
screen and return to live mode. If you do not press a
key after the message has been displayed, it will
automatically be removed after a timeout period set
using the Vision Control CYBERWRITER Menu.
Changing the text color
- To change the color of the text, hold down
[Alternate] and press [W]. Release the
keys. Quickly press a number between [0] and
[7] to select a Primary Color for the text.
See Primary Color Filter table in the APPENDIX
Using the on screen editor
- If you are not performing live and want to be able
to see what you are typing a line at a time, switch on
the Heads Up Display (HUD) by pressing
Changing CyberWriter Modes
- CyberWriter can display text in Page mode, (like
the previous example), or Ticker-Tape mode, where the
text is displayed in a line that scrolls across the
- Hold down [Control] and press
- Type in another message, remembering to press
[Enter] on the numeric keypad when you are
finished. The ticker-tape text will appear.
Further control of CyberWriter
- The Vision Control CYBERWRITER Menu
provides complete control over the CyberWriter's
features. This is covered in the CyberWriter section
of the Reference chapter.
Storing messages as iCUEs
Any CyberWriter message may be stored as an iCUE
allowing you to recall your own preset messages at the
press of a key, or you can incorporate CyberWriter based
iCUEs into iCUE Sequences and Alarm programs.
See the CyberWriter section of the REFERENCE chapter for
details on how to store messages as iCUEs.
Final Steps
The remarkable iCUE
- The iCUE is the single most powerful feature of
currently displaying on the video screen may be stored
for later recall.
iCUEs work by storing all the attributes associated
with whatever is on the screen. For example, if there
are two layered VideoGobos being displayed, then the
VideoGobo filenames, Color Filter numbers, Cycle Speed
values, Transparency Mask numbers and other
information will all be stored in the iCUE.
iCUEs may be recalled individually as and when you
desire, or sequenced together with the easy to use
iCUE Sequencer that allows totally automated light
shows to be created. And because CyberWriter messages
and PhotoImages can also be stored as iCUEs, BiT
BOPPER can be programmed to display advertisements and
other promotional messages within your VideoGobo light
Alarms can be programmed to display individual
iCUEs or iCUE Sequences at preset times on particular
Storing your creation as an iCUE
- Check your [U]ser area is selected by
pressing [U] and then your User Number.
(Between 1 and 9).
- Press the [*] key on the numeric
- Using the keypad, key in a number between 1 and
- Press the [*] key on the keypad again to
Store the iCUE. The disk access lamp will light up for
a split second while the iCUE is being stored.
- Using the iCUE log at the back of this User's
Guide, make a note of the iCUE number and your own
name for the iCUE for your reference. You may like to
make copies of the iCUE log page as you will no doubt
create several hundred iCUEs over time.
Depending on the space available on the hard disk,
up to 10,000 iCUEs may be stored in each User
Displaying hard disk information
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select ABOUT... At the bottom of the About
page, the amount of space available on the hard disk
is displayed on Kbytes. (1000Kbytes equals 1Megabyte.)
For information on how much space is used up by the
various types of BiT BOPPER files, see the TECHNICAL
SPECIFICATION at the very end of this user's
- Press [Help] twice to return to live
Recalling a Stored iCUE
- Using the numeric keypad, press the [*]
key and then key in the number of the iCUE you wish to
- Press [Enter] on the numeric keypad and
the iCUE will be displayed.
As an alternative to using the keypad to recall
iCUEs, the first 100 iCUEs may be recalled using the
Function Keys above the keyboard area. This is
described later in the REFERENCE chapter under Recall
You have completed the Guided Tour of BiT BOPPER.
This chapter has only touched the surface of
BiT BOPPER's capabilities. By trying out the various
features detailed in the following Reference chapter,
you will be able to benefit from BiT BOPPER's
extraordinary power and flexibility.
Go blow their minds!
Alphabetical reference to all BiT BOPPER commands
and features
All Clear (VideoGobo Reset)
- Press the [Clr/Home] key to reset the
- When in dual layer mode, pressing [X] and
then [Clr/Home] will reset both
See Also
Audio Trigger Level Adjust
- Increase sensitivity:
Decrease sensitivity:
- This provides control over the audio level used to
trigger sound synchronized effects.
- Hold down the [Control] key and press the
[Up] or [Down] keys.
The level you set will be remembered by BiT BOPPER
ready for the next time the system is used.
Visual Feedback
- If you are not performing live, switch ON the HUD
(Heads Up Display) for visual feedback by holding down
[Control] and pressing [Tab]. The
bargraph display provides a visual representation of
the numeric value shown below it.
Once you have made your adjustments,
[Shift]+[Tab] will turn HUD OFF again.

Auto Motion Damping (AMD)
- ON: [Control]+[D]
Force OFF:
- This feature effects [G]lide and
[C]ycle. When AMD is turned ON, the Glide and
Cycle speeds are automatically set to their slowest
settings. Then each time a beat is detected by the
system, Glide and Cycle will increase in speed. When
there is a lull, Glide and Cycle will automatically
slow down again (Dampen).
This has the effect of ensuring the on screen
imagery more accurately reflects the tempo and mood of
the audio signal.
- Hold down [Control] and press [D]
to turn AMD ON or OFF.
- To best see AMD in action, press [V] and
type in [3] [0] [Enter] on the
numeric keypad to set the Metronome to 30 BPM.
Notice how the image slows down between the simulated
- Press [V] [V] to switch the
Metronome OFF.
Things you should know
- AMD is a PREFERENCES feature, this means that its
status will be remembered by BiT BOPPER, even if the
computer is switched OFF and back ON. If an iCUE that
uses AMD is recalled, then AMD will be set to the
state programmed into the iCUE - and that includes any
iCUEs that are recalled when the system starts
Hints and Tips
- AMD is best suited to types of audio were the
energy and tempo varies quite a lot, such as classical
(the 1812 is best), speech, electronic, new age or
romantic pop.
If you find that AMD makes the imagery animate too
quickly or over react, try adjusting the Audio Trigger
Level to a lower setting.
Experiment by turning [G]lide OFF and
[C]ycle ON, or the other way around. The
effects can be quite interesting.
See Also
- [G]lide

Auto Random VideoGobo Change
- ON/OFF: [Control]+[A]
Force OFF:
- Every so often a different VideoGobo will be
randomly chosen from the currently selected VideoGobo
Bank. Ideal if the system is to be left
- Hold down [Control] and press [A]
key to switch Auto Random VideoGobo Change ON or
Hints and Tips
- This feature is useful if you have to leave BiT
BOPPER unattended for a short while and wish to ensure
the on screen imagery does not grow boring!
VideoGobo Bank Select
- Certain features require that the first 100
VideoGobos on BiT BOPPER's internal hard disk be
loaded into the system's Random Access Memory (RAM) in
banks of 10 VideoGobos at a time. These features
Beat VideoGobo Sequence
[S]equence Bounce
- Hold down either of the [Shift] keys.
- Press one of the function keys to select the
appropriate VideoGobo bank.
There will be a short delay as the 10 VideoGobos are
loaded off BiT BOPPER's hard disk into memory.
Hints and Tips
- Due to the short delay as a VideoGobo bank is
loaded into memory, it is recommended that you select
a desired VideoGobo bank in advance of using any
features that use VideoGobo banks.
BiT BOPPER is supplied with 60 VideoGobos. Therefore,
banks 7 to 10 will be empty. To view the VideoGobos on
your system, use the Preview VideoGobos feature.
See Also
- Beat VideoGobo
Video [B]op

Beat Color Change
- ON/OFF: [A]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[A]
- At each beat, a randomly selected color filter
will be applied to the VideoGobo(s). A combination of
both Primary and Spectrum Color Filters is used.
- Press the [A] key.
- To switch Beat Color Change OFF, press [A]
or [Shift]+[A].
See Also
- Beat VideoGobo

Beat VideoGobo [S]equence
- ON/OFF: [S]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[S]
- The VideoGobos in the selected VideoGobo bank will
be sequenced through on each beat.
- Press [S]. This feature only works in
single layer mode, therefore if BiT BOPPER is in dual
layer mode, then it will automatically switch into
single layer mode until the feature is switched OFF
again using [S] or
See Also
Beat Color Change

- [Space Bar]
- Pressing the [Space Bar] has the same
effect as a loud beat and will function whether an
audio source is connected or not. Bump is also used to
program the [V]irtual Rhythm feature.
- Keeping your eye on the screen, tap the [Space
If [i]lluminate Lock is OFF, then the
VideoGobo(s) will be temporarily illuminated.
If [i]lluminate Lock is ON and Color
[C]ycling is ON then the Cycling will change
If [G]lide is on then the Glide direction will
If Video[B]op is ON then the VideoGobo
sequence will be animated.
If Beat VideoGobo Sequence is ON then the next
VideoGobo in the selected bank will be displayed.
If [Z]apFlash is ON, then the VideoGobo will
See Also

Capture and Save
- [Control]+[F10]
- Allows you to save a precise copy of whatever is
on the screen to a DOS formatted 3.5" floppy disk.
Ideal for importing BiT BOPPER imagery into other
computer software applications, or for review
The file is saved in the BMP image format.
Capture & Save can be used at any time including
when CyberWriter text is on the screen or when Vision
Control is active. The exception is when a PhotoImage
is being displayed. There may be other restrictions
Each screen file occupies approx 90KBytes.
- Insert a DOS Formatted 3.5" floppy disk into the
disk drive on the right hand side of the
- Create the effect you wish to capture. We
recommend that Freeze ([Control]+[F])
is used if you wish to capture an animating pattern or
message at a precise moment.
- Hold down the [Control] key and press
function key [F10].
- Carefully (you will not see what you are typing),
type in up to 8 characters as a filename.
The file will be saved to the floppy disk in the .BMP
Remember, do not eject the disk until the Disk
Access Lamp has gone out!
- If you used Freeze, then remember to switch it OFF
using [Esc] or [Clr/Home].
See Also

Color Bars
- ON: [Control]+[F1] or
select from the Vision Control UTILITIES Menu.
OFF: Any Key
- This feature is provided to assist with setting up
a video display or television. 8 vertical bars colored
in order of luminance value are displayed, with the
brightest color (white) on the left, and black on the
right. When tuning in a television and / or adjusting
the controls on a television or video display, ensure
the correct colors are displayed, as shown in the
- Hold down [Control] and press [F1]
to display the color bars.
The color bars will appear as shown in the
- To remove the color bars press any key.
BiT BOPPER will return to whatever it was doing.

- Default Mode: [W]
Other Mode: [Control]+[W]
- The CyberWriter is a powerful video typewriter
designed to display easy to read and eye-catching
messages. The CyberWriter has two modes, Page
mode and Ticker-Tape mode. Page mode displays
lines of text a "page" at a time. Each page of text
may be up to 7 lines long, depending on the typeface
size. What makes Page mode special is the automatic
formatting feature that sizes the text to fit the
Ticker-Tape mode scrolls the text across the screen
like the electronic signs used in stock trading rooms.
Whichever mode you use, CyberWriter messages may be
stored as iCUEs for recall at any time, or as part of
an iCUE Sequence.
CyberWriter messages are displayed over any
VideoGobo patterns on the screen creating an
eye-catching effect.
Tutorial, Page
- The [W] key is used to enter text into the
CyberWriter in the default mode, while
[Control]+[W] will enter the opposite
of the default mode. For example, if the default
CyberWriter mode is Page mode, then
[Control]+[W] will enter Ticker-Tape
The default mode is setup using the Vision Control
For the first tutorial, we will use Page mode:
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the CYBERWRITER Menu.
- Set the Default Mode to PAGE Mode.
(Remember to press [Return] to confirm.)
- Press [Help] to exit Vision Control.
Color Selection
- Hold down the [Alternate] key and press
[W]. Now release the keys and press a number
row key between [0] and [7] to select
a Primary Color Filter to apply to the text.
The Primary Color Filter selected for the text will be
remembered until changed again.
- Press [W] to enter edit ('write')
- Preferably using one finger (to avoid typing
mistakes), key in your message. If you want to start a
new line, press [Return]. To send the message
to the screen press [Enter] on the numeric
For example:
Dance The [Return]
Night [Return]
Away! [Enter]
Using the Line Editor
- If you want to see what you are typing a line at a
time, switch ON the Heads Up Display (HUD) by holding
down [Control] and pressing [Tab].
(Not advised during a live performance!)
[Shift]+[Tab] turns the HUD OFF.
Erasing mistakes
Press the [Delete] or [Backspace] keys
to erase the last character(s) typed. Alternatively,
press [Esc] to abort from text input and start
again by pressing [W].
Message Timeout
Messages will be displayed on top of the VideoGobos
and will remain on the screen for a timeout period set
using the Vision Control CYBERWRITER Menu.
Text Overflow
If you type more than one page full of text, then as
much text as possible will be squeezed onto the
screen, however, three dots (...) will appear at the
end of the last word. When you see this, you can press
a key to display the next page of text, or the next
page will automatically be displayed at the end of the
timeout period.
- To store the CyberWriter message as an iCUE you
will need to use the Store iCUE command while the
message is still on the screen.
- To keep (Hold) the message on the screen for ever,
press the [H] key. Press any key to remove the
- Press any key to remove Page mode text before the
end of the timeout period.
Tutorial, Ticker-Tape
- Color Selection
Like Page mode, ticker-tape text can appear in any of
the 8 primary colors. However, you can use Vision
Control to choose the color of the background "tape"
that the text appears on.
If you select Auto, then the tape color will be chosen
for you, and will be specially matched for the best
contrast with the text color, set using
- Assuming Page mode is the default mode, press
[Control]+[W] to enter ticker-tape
- Type in your message. You need not press
[Return] between lines, as ticker-tape
displays everything on one continuous line.
- Press [Enter] when you are done.
The message will scroll continuously, or until the
timeout period set using the Vision Control
The start and finish of a ticker-tape message is
indicated by a series asterisks, see below:
Happy Birthday John ***** Happy Birthday J
Speed Selection -
New for Version 1.6!
- Use the Ticker-Tape Speed item to choose from the
three ticker-tape speeds (Slow, Medium & Fast).
Please note that on some systems, faster speeds may
cause the text to flicker.
- To save a ticker-tape message as an iCUE, use the
Store iCUE command.
- To immediately abort a ticker-tape message, press
[Esc]. To abort at the end of the current
message loop, press any key.
Things you should know
- While a message is on the screen, other than
Freeze, [H]old and Store iCUE, no features may
be used.
- CyberWriter allows up to 230 characters to be
entered in any one message.
- The CyberWriter cannot be used while BiT BOPPER is
displaying a PhotoImage.
- ON/OFF: [C]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[C]
Speed Adjust:
Fine Adjust: [Up] or [Down]
Cycle Direction: [Left] or
[Right] Arrows or [Space Bar]
- Cycling is an technique whereby the colors making
up a VideoGobo are animated. The cycle direction
reverses on each beat, or it may be controlled
If Auto Motion Damping (AMD) is switched ON, then the
cycle speed will vary in proportion to the beat
- Press the [C] key to switch Cycle ON or
- To vary the Cycle speed either use the
[Up]] and [Down] keys or hold down
one of the [Shift] keys and press a number
between [1] and [0] along the top of
the keyboard.
[1] is the slowest, while [0] is the
- To reverse the Cycle direction, either press the
[Space Bar] or use the [Left] and
[Right] arrow keys.
Hints and Tips
- Try turning Cycle OFF while [I]lluminate
Lock is OFF. If there is no audio present, press the
[Space Bar] to bump the image.
Another interesting effect can be created in dual
layer mode: Press one of the layer select keys,
[+] or [-], and then switch cycle OFF
on one of the layers. Now press the [X] key to
select both layers, and finally press the [C]
key a few times. The effect of the Cycle control will
alternate between each layer.
See Also
Cycle and Color

Cycle and Color RESET
- Reset: [Control]+[C]
Continue: [C]
- This feature switches off Color Cycling and resets
the positions of the individual colors making up the
Color Filters. This is particularly useful when using
VideoGobos that are based on scanned in images, such
as photographs etc.
- Hold down the [Control] key and press
The color cycling will stop and the colors will be
reset. To best see the effect, switch ON
[I]lluminate Lock.
- To continue color cycling again, press the
[C] key.
See Also

Delete PhotoImage
- [P] [n] [Delete]
- This allows you to individually delete PhotoImages
from the hard disk. Once a PhotoImage has been
deleted, it cannot be recovered.
This feature is ideal for removing unwanted
PhotoImages and freeing up hard disk space.
- Press [P].
- Using the numeric keypad, key in the number of the
PhotoImage you wish to delete. DO NOT PRESS THE
[Enter] key!
- Press the [Delete] key.
There will be a prompt allowing you to abort or
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
If you confirm the deletion, the selected PhotoImage
will be deleted.
Things you should know
- If an attempt is made to recall an iCUE based on a
PhotoImage that has been deleted, then the iCUE will
not recall.
See Also
Preview PhotoImages

Delete VideoGobo
- [n] [Delete]
- This allows you to individually delete VideoGobos
from the hard disk. Once a VideoGobo has been deleted,
it cannot be recovered.
This feature is ideal for removing unwanted VideoGobos
and freeing up hard disk space.
- Using the numeric keypad, key in the number of the
VideoGobo you wish to delete. DO NOT PRESS THE
[Enter] key!
- Press the [Delete] key.
A preview of the VideoGobo you chose to delete will be
displayed along with a prompt allowing you to abort or
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
If you confirm the deletion, the selected VideoGobo
will be deleted.
Things you should know
- If an attempt is made to recall an iCUE based on a
VideoGobo that has been deleted, then the iCUE will
not display properly, or at all.
See Also
Preview VideoGobos

[D]rift Colors
- ON/OFF: [D]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[D]
- Single Layer Mode - BiT BOPPER will
randomly cycle through the complete range of Spectrum
Color Filters. The effects can be very enchanting.
Dual Layer Mode - When Spectrum Color
Filters are applied to layered VideoGobos, 16 of the
256 possible colors making up the Spectrum Color
Filter are displayed on each layer. By switching
[D]rift ON, BiT BOPPER will cycle through all
256 colors of the Filter displaying 16 colors at any
one time.
The Drift speed is governed by the Cycle speed. See
[C]ycle for details on adjusting the cycle
speed. If Cycle is OFF then Drift will not function.
Drift is best understood through experimentation.
- Select Single or Dual Layer Mode by double
clicking the [+] or [-] keys.
- If in dual layer mode then select a layer by
pressing one of the [+] or [-]
- Press [D] to switch Drift ON.
See Also

[E]xchange (swap) VideoGobos
- [E] [Source filename]
[E] [Destination filename]
- This useful feature allows you to swap the places
of any two VideoGobos.
- Press [E].
- Using the numeric keypad, type in source VideoGobo
filename and press [Enter].
- Now key in the destination VideoGobo filename and
press [Enter].
For example:
[6] [5] [Enter]
[7] [3] [Enter]
will swap VideoGobo 65 with 73.
Things you should know
- Swapping VideoGobos will not effect any iCUEs they
are used in. This is because iCUEs do not use
VideoGobo filenames for reference, but a unique
VideoGobo serial number given to each VideoGobo when
it is installed on BiT BOPPER.

Force OFF
- [Shift]+[appropriate key]
- Sometimes it is convenient to know that you have
absolutely definitely switched an effect or function
OFF. With some of BiT BOPPER's features, it is
difficult to tell if the feature is ON or OFF, in
particular with effects like [D]rift,
[Z]apFlash etc.
- Hold down a [Shift] key while pressing the
appropriate command key. For example, to make sure
[D]rift is OFF, hold down [Shift] and
press [D].
That's it!
- To make sure the Heads Up Display (HUD) is
definitely OFF before you start a live performance,
hold down [Shift] and press
See Also
All features activated using the alphanumeric

- ON: [Control]+[F]
OFF: [F] or [Esc] or
Force OFF: [Shift]+[F]
- This freezes whatever BiT BOPPER is currently
displaying on the screen and is primarily designed for
use with the Capture and Save feature.
When Freeze is ON, no other BiT BOPPER keys will work,
other than those used for Capture and Save and the
keys which are used to turn Freeze OFF again.
- Hold down [Control] and press [F]
to Freeze whatever BiT BOPPER is displaying.
- Press [F] again to unfreeze the
See Also
Capture and Save

- ON/OFF: [G]
Speed Adjust: [Alternate]+[G]
then [1]-[9]
Force in Compass Direction:
[Shift]+Numeric keypad number key
Force in Linear Direction:
[Shift]+[Up] [Down]
[Right] or [Left] Arrow
[Shift]+[G] or
[Shift]+[5] on numeric keypad.
- The VideoGobo(s) will Glide across the screen. The
Glide direction will change on the beat.
Glide works in two ways:
If you press the [G] key, then the
VideoGobo(s) will bounce around in all 8 compass
If [Shift] + any of the number keys on the
numeric keypad are used, then the VideoGobo(s) will
Glide in the selected compass direction. The number
keys represent the 8 compass directions. For example,
[Shift]+[9] on the numeric keypad will
make the VideoGobo(s) Glide diagonally from South/West
to North/East until a beat reverses the
- Press the [G] key or [Shift] + a
numeric keypad number to switch Glide ON.
- To vary the Glide speed hold down
[Alternate] and press [G]. Release the
keys and immediately press a number between
[1] and [9].
[1] is the slowest, while [9] is the
- By pressing [Control]+[D], Auto
Motion Damping (AMD) will be turned ON or OFF. When
ON, the Glide and Cycle speed will temporarily
increase in proportion to the beat. When the beat is
less intense, the Glide and Cycle speeds will be
dampened automatically.
- To switch Glide OFF, press [G] on the
keyboard, [Shift]+[G] or
[Shift]+[5] on the numeric
Hints and Tips
- If you used the [G] key to switch Glide
on, wait for the VideoGobo(s) to center and hold down
the Bump key [Space Bar] for an interesting
effect - the image will appear to wobble about its
Things you should know
- It is not possible to adjust the Glide speed while
AMD is ON.
- When Glide is ON, HUD will not function.
See Also
Auto Motion Damping

Heads Up Display (HUD)
- ON: [Control]+[Tab]
OFF: [Shift]+[Tab]
Or use the Vision Control PREFERENCES
- The HUD provides on screen feedback when
particular features are switched ON or OFF, or when
adjustments are made.
It also provides an on screen line editor for the
Unless you want to add a hi-tech look to your
production, the HUD would not be used during a live
performance or when making a video recording. However,
it is ideal when pre-programming iCUEs, or learning
how to operate BiT BOPPER.
- Hold down [Control] and press
[Tab] to turn the HUD ON. Alternatively you
can switch ON the HUD from the Vision Control
- As an example, press [K] to turn
Kaleidoscope ON or OFF. You will see the word
Kaleidoscope ON appear in the lower left of the
screen. The HUD message will disappear after approx 5
seconds, or when another features is selected.
If the system is in dual layer mode, then two lines
will appear showing the status of each layer. "+"
indicates the front (top) layer, "-" the back (bottom)
layer is selected.
- Adjust the Audio Trigger level by holding down
[Control] and pressing the [Up] or
[Down] keys.
- Now press [W] to type in a message using
the Cyber[W]riter.
You will be able to see the text as you type it in at
the bottom of the screen - a line at a time. When
[Return] is pressed, you can type (and edit)
the next line. And so on until [Enter] is
- To turn the HUD off, hold down [Shift] and
press [Tab] or use the Vision Control
Things you should know
- HUD does not function when using [G]lide,
or any of the VideoGobo Bank based features such as
[R]amZapper, [S]equence Bounce etc.
There may be some other features that HUD ignores
See Also

[H]old VideoGobo, Message, iCUE Sequence
(Single Layer Mode Only when using
- ON: [H]
OFF: Switches OFF automatically after each
- Hold effects two BiT BOPPER features:
Hold VideoGobo: Hold works in single layer
mode only and allows the current VideoGobo to be held
in place on the screen while another is loaded in.
Depending on the selected Transparency Mask, the first
VideoGobo will be made transparent to the second
VideoGobo creating a totally new effect. Do not
confuse the Hold feature with dual layer mode. The
Hold feature does not treat the VideoGobos as layers,
but in fact merges the VideoGobos into one new image.
CyberWriter: Hold may be used to keep a Page
mode message on the screen until a key is
VideoGobo Tutorial
- Ensure the system is in single layer mode.
- Load in a VideoGobo of your choice.
- If there is no audio source present, switch on
[i]lluminate Lock, [V]irtual Rhythm or
- Press the [H] key.
- Select a Transparency Mask.
- Now load in a different VideoGobo. It will be
"pasted" on top of the first VideoGobo you
- You can now store the resulting image as an iCUE.
- To add another VideoGobo to the 'pile', press
[H] again and load another VideoGobo!
Things you should know
- A maximum of two VideoGobos are stored as an iCUE,
even if you have layered more than one image by
repeatedly pressing [H] and loading in
additional VideoGobos.
If you want to store a multi-layer VideoGobo formed
using [H]old, you can use the Make VideoGobo
feature to convert whatever is on the screen into a
VideoGobo and then save it to disk. Re-load it and use
[H]old again to increase the image complexity.
(See Make VideoGobo in the Reference chapter.)
Hints and tips
- Some spectacular effects can be created by
combining different Transparency Masks and VideoGobos.
Try [D]rift too!
CyberWriter Tutorial
- While a CyberWriter Page mode message is on the
screen, press [H] to hold the message on the
- Press any key to remove the message, or display
the next page in the case of multi-page messages.
See Also
Transparency Mask

iCUE Alarms
- Vision Control ALARM Menu.
- This powerful feature allows BiT BOPPER to run
fully automatically, or to display messages and
advertisements at preset times during each day. You
can program up to 10 different alarms in 10 different
Alarm Group - equalling a total of 100 individual
An alarm can trigger an iCUE Sequence or an individual
Set the TIME & DATE first!
- Before you can use the Alarms, BiT BOPPER's
internal clock just be set to the correct TIME &
DATE. This is done from the Set Time & Date...
item in the Vision Control PREFERENCES
menu. The Time is displayed at the top left of the
Vision Control panel.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Highlight and select the ALARM Menu item.
You can select from a range of days and day groups to
suite your needs.
- Select the Alarm Group you desire and press the
[Right] key. A table will appear where you can
enter up to 10 alarms for that day or day group.
Turning an Alarm ON and OFF
- Check the cursor is in the STAT column and press
[Return] to toggle the alarm between ON and
Setting the Alarm Time
- Move the cursor into the TIME column and key in
the time in 12 hour format starting with a 0 (zero)
for times under 10 o'clock. By default the time will
be set to PM, but pressing the [A] key will
set AM. Press [P] to set back to PM.
For example, to set an alarm for 9:30pm, type
Selecting the Item Type & Number
- Move the cursor into the TYPE column and press
[i] if the alarm is to trigger an individual
iCUE, or [S] if it is to trigger an iCUE
- In the ITEM column, key in the item number. That
is, the number you used when saving the iCUE or iCUE
Setting the User Number
- For iCUE based alarms, key in the User Number of
the iCUE in the USER/SEQUENCE column.
For iCUE Sequence alarms, the iCUE Sequence name is
automatically displayed in the User/Sequence
- Press [Return] or [Down] to move
onto the next alarm row, or press [Esc] to
Alarm Group Priorities
If you have a large number of alarms programmed, it is
inevitable that some will overlap. Please note the
following rules:
Everyday has priority over...
Weekday has priority over...
Weekend has priority over...
The individual days
It is up to you to manage the alarms so they do not
Alarms Trigger in LIVE mode!
BiT BOPPER must be in LIVE mode for the Alarm(s) to
Aborting iCUE Sequences
As with manual playback of an iCUE Sequence,
[Clr/Home] will abort the playback of an alarm
triggered iCUE Sequence.
Things you should know
- Any alarms programmed will be repeated each week
until turned OFF from the STAT column in the
appropriate alarm group programming table.
- You can switch ON or OFF the complete alarm system
from the Master Alarm Control menu item in the ALARM
Control menu. Although the Master Alarm Control does
override the individual alarms, it does not effect the
individual STAT settings.
See Also
Create iCUE
Store iCUE

Recall iCUE
- Recall iCUE n: [*] [n]
[Enter] using numeric keypad
Bank Access: SEE BELOW
- iCUEs can be recalled at any time by any of the
following methods:
- Using the numeric keypad to directly access any of
the (possible) thousands of iCUEs that can be
accommodated on the hard disk.
- Using the Function Keys along the top of the
keyboard in conjunction with the numeric keypad.
- Playing back an iCUE Sequence.
- Check you are in your User Area by pressing
[U] and then your user number.
- Press the [*] key on the numeric
- Using the numeric keypad, key in the number of the
iCUE you wish to recall.
- Press the [Enter] key on the numeric
The iCUE will be recalled.
If the iCUE is based on a VideoGobo that you have
since deleted from the hard disk, then the iCUE will
no longer recall, or will not recall as originally
- To recall any of the first 100 iCUEs using the
Function Keys, first select an iCUE bank by pressing a
number key on the numeric keypad.
Bank 0 contains iCUEs 1 to 10
Bank 1 contains iCUEs 11 to 20
Bank 2 contains iCUEs 21 to 30 and so on.
For example, to recall iCUE 45:
- Press [4] on the numeric keypad.
- Press [F5] on the Function Key strip.
iCUE 45 will be recalled
Hints and Tips
- Using the Function Keys to recall iCUEs is ideal
for live performance work where you could group
different types of iCUE into the different banks.
See Also
Create iCUE
Store iCUE
View contents of iCUE
iCUE Directory

Store iCUE
- Store iCUE n: [*] [n]
- ANYTHING displayed by BiT BOPPER can be stored as
an iCUE (Intelligent CUE). iCUEs work by storing all
the attributes associated with what is on the screen,
such as VideoGobo pattern, Color Filters, Cycle Speed,
Transparency Masks (dual layer mode only), Special
Effects etc. The exception is CyberWriter messages
which are stored independently of any underlying
- Make sure you are in your User Area by pressing
[U] and then your user number.
- Press the [*] key on the numeric
- Using the numeric keypad key in the number of the
iCUE you wish to store between 1 and 9999.
- Press the [*] key on the numeric
The iCUE will be stored on BiT BOPPER's internal hard
disk in your chosen user area.
CyberWriter iCUEs
- If you are storing a CyberWriter message as an
iCUE, it is important to remember that only the text
is stored, not any VideoGobo images lying under the
text. This allows you to display CyberWriter iCUEs on
top of any VideoGobo images already on the screen.
If you specifically want to display a message over
a particular VideoGobo pattern, then store the
VideoGobo pattern as an iCUE, and recall it before
recalling the CyberWriter iCUE.
No warning is given if you attempt to
overwrite a previously stored iCUE.
See Also
Create iCUE
Recall iCUE
View contents of iCUE
iCUE Directory

iCUE Directory - New for Version
- Vision Control iCUE Menu
- Allows you to view the iCUE files in the currently
selected user area.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Highlight the iCUE Menu item and press the
[Right] arrow or [Return] key.
- Highlight the iCUE Directory item and
select it.
A table of iCUE filenames will appear. The letters
after each filename indicate the iCUE type:
- (V) = A VideoGobo based iCUE.
(C) = A CyberWriter (text) based iCUE.
(P) = A PhotoImage based iCUE.
- If there are more iCUEs than will fit in the
table, then use the [+] and [-] keys
to browse.
Viewing the contents of the iCUE
Use the arrow keys to highlight the iCUE that
interests you and press [Return].
Deleting an iCUE
Use the arrow keys to highlight the iCUE you wish to
delete, and press [Delete].
- Press [Esc] to exit the iCUE Directory
See Also
Store iCUE
Recall iCUE
View contents of iCUE
Playback iCUE
Edit iCUE
Delete iCUE
iCUE Alarms

View contents of iCUE -
New for Version 1.6!
- Vision Control iCUE Menu
- Allows you to view the contents (such as VideoGobo
filenames etc) making up an iCUE.
From Vision Control
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Highlight the iCUE Menu item and press the
[Right] arrow or [Return] key.
- Highlight the iCUE
Directory item and select it.
A table of iCUE filenames will appear.
- Use the arrow keys to highlight the iCUE that
interests you, and press [Return].
A list of the files making up that iCUE will
- Press [Esc] to exit the iCUE Contents
See Also
Store iCUE
Recall iCUE
iCUE Directory
Playback iCUE
Edit iCUE
Delete iCUE
iCUE Alarms

Create iCUE Sequence
- Vision Control iCUE Menu
- The iCUE Sequencer allows up to 99 iCUEs to be
strung together in a timed sequence.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Highlight the iCUE Menu item and press the
[Right] arrow or [Return] key.
- Highlight the Create iCUE Sequence item and select
The iCUE Sequence editing table will appear.
- If you are starting a new sequence, you need not
enter a start TIME for the first step unless you
specifically want there to be a delay before the first
iCUE is displayed, so press the [Tab] or
[Right] key to highlight the next cell.
- Key in the User Area number where the first iCUE
is located. The cursor will automatically move to the
next cell.
- In the iCUE column, key in the iCUE number and
press [Return] to move the cursor to the next
sequence step.
Entering the time
- Now enter the relative time that the iCUE will
appear at. (That is, the time from when you actually
playback the iCUE Sequence.) This is entered in HOURS,
MINUTES and SECONDS. You do not need to type the colon
(:). This will be inserted for you.
For example, if you want the iCUE to be recalled 1
minute and 30 seconds into the sequence, then enter
- Press the [Tab] or [Right] key to
highlight the next cell.
- Repeat from step 5 until you have created your
iCUE Sequence.
Correcting Errors
- Highlight the cell containing the error and
re-type the entry.
Deleting a Step
- To Delete a step, highlight a cell in the
appropriate row and press
To Save your iCUE Sequence
- Press the [*] key on the numeric
- Enter 32 character iCUE Sequence name and press
- Enter filename from 1 to 99 and press
The iCUE Sequence will be saved.
See Also
Edit iCUE
Delete iCUE
Playback iCUE
Loop iCUE
Sequence Playback
iCUE Alarms

Delete iCUE Sequence
- Vision Control iCUE Menu.
- This allows you to delete an iCUE Sequence from
the hard disk.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the iCUE Menu.
- Select the Delete iCUE Sequence item.
- Highlight the sequence name you wish to
- Press the [Delete] key.
The iCUE Sequence will be permanently deleted from the
hard disk.
See Also
Create iCUE
Edit iCUE
Playback iCUE
Loop iCUE
Sequence Playback

Edit iCUE Sequence
- Vision Control iCUE Menu.
- Allows you to edit a previously created iCUE
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the iCUE Menu.
- Select the Edit iCUE Sequence item.
- Highlight the sequence name you wish to edit.
- Press the [Return] or [Right]
The iCUE Sequence editing table will be
- Use the arrow and [Tab] and
[Return] keys to move the cursor around the
table and edit the table using the steps described in
the Create iCUE Sequence section of the Reference
- When you have finished editing a PREVIOUSLY
created iCUE Sequence, press [*] to save the
edited sequence under the previous sequence name and
number, else press [Esc] to abort without
saving any of your changes.
See Also
Create iCUE
Delete iCUE
Playback iCUE
Loop iCUE
Sequence Playback

Playback iCUE Sequence
- Vision Control iCUE Menu or
[/] [0-99] [Enter] using the
numeric keypad. (That first character [/] is a
forward slash.)
- iCUE Sequences created using the iCUE Sequencer
may be recalled at any time and will run automatically
until paused or aborted.
- iCUE Sequences may be run either from the numeric
keypad (which means you will need to know the iCUE
Sequence number), or from the Vision Control iCUE
Playback from Vision Control
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the iCUE Menu.
- Select Playback iCUE Sequence.
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
scroll though the sequence names.
- The sequence will begin playback as soon as you
press the [Return] or [Right] key.
Playback from the Numeric Keypad
- Press the [/] (slash) key on the numeric
- Key in the sequence file number using the numeric
- Press [Enter].
The sequence will immediately begin playback.
Pausing Sequence Playback
- To Pause the sequence, press [H] (hold).
To continue, press any key. Please note that the timer
stops running while the system is in pause mode.
Aborting Sequence Playback
- To abort the sequence press [Esc] or
See Also
Create iCUE
Delete iCUE
Edit iCUE
Loop iCUE
Sequence Playback
Things you should know
iCUE Sequences are not stored in User Areas
and are therefore available to all users.

Loop iCUE Sequence Playback
- New for Version 1.6!
- Vision Control iCUE Menu or
- This will loop the playback of iCUE Sequences
between 1 and 10 times, or forever.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the iCUE Menu.
- Select Playback Loop and choose from the options.
Press [Return] to confirm.
Now, when you select iCUE
Sequence Playback, the sequence will repeat
according to the Playback Loop setting.
See Also
- Create iCUE
Delete iCUE
Edit iCUE
Playback iCUE
Return to CONTENTS
[i]lluminate Lock
- ON/OFF: [i]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[i]
- Under normal operation, when there is no audio,
the colors making up a VideoGobo decay to black. By
switching ON [I]lluminate Lock, all the colors
remain illuminated until you switch Illuminate Lock
OFF again.
- Press the [i] key to lock the illumination
of the selected VideoGobo.
Although the sound-to-light effect will no longer
function, the Color Cycling Direction and other
effects such as [G]lide will continue to be
triggered by the beat.
- Press [i] again to switch Illuminate Lock
Hints and Tips
- Illuminate Lock can be used to create moving
wallpaper effects, perhaps in an environment where no
audio source is connected to BiT BOPPER.
Try using [G]lide and
[K]aleidoscope with [I]lluminate Lock
switched ON.
Try various Transparency Masks with two layered
See Also
- [O]ne Color
Return to CONTENTS
Import PhotoImage(s)
- Vision Control PHOTOIMAGE Menu
- This feature allows you to install additional
PhotoImages onto the BiT BOPPER system from a PC (DOS)
formatted floppy disk.
For images to be installed onto BiT BOPPER's hard
disk, they must conform to any one of the industry
standard graphics standards as detailed in the
ADVANCED chapter.
- Read any instructions supplied with your new
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the PHOTOIMAGE Menu.
- Insert the disk containing the PhotoImage(s) into
BiT BOPPER's floppy disk drive.
- Select Import PhotoImage(s)...
- The PhotoImage(s) will be installed on the
IMPORTANT! Do not eject the floppy disk while the Disk
Access Lamp is illuminated.
- To preview the new PhotoImage(s), use the Preview
PhotoImage feature.
Things you should know
See Also
- Delete
Return to CONTENTS
Install Software Upgrade
- Vision Control UTILITIES Menu or
- On occasion, upgrades to the BiT BOPPER system
software will be made available on a floppy disk. BiT
BOPPER includes a built in automatic installation
system that allows you to upgrade your system quickly
and conveniently.
Provided you sent in your BiT BOPPER registration
card (or registered via the Internet), you will be
notified when such upgrades are available.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Check the version number of the software, this is
shown at the top of the Vision Control screen. If you
do not have the latest version of the software, then
proceed as follows:
- Insert the upgrade floppy disk into the disk drive
on the right of the computer.
- Select the UTILITIES Menu.
- Select Install Software Upgrade...
- The new software will be installed automatically.
This takes approximately one minute, depending on the
number of files being installed.
- After the completion message appears, eject the
floppy disk and then reset the system using the button
at the rear of the unit.
The new software will run.
- Refer to any documentation supplied with the
upgrade disk for instructions on how to operate the
new software.
Return to CONTENTS
Import VideoGobo(s)
- Vision Control VIDEOGOBO Menu or
- This feature allows you to install additional
VideoGobo images from a PC (DOS) formatted floppy
For images to be installed for use with BiT BOPPER,
they must conform to any one of the industry standard
graphics standards as detailed in the ADVANCED
If the VGX symbol shown on this page appears on O
Wonder or 3rd party VideoGobo libraries, then
compatibility is guaranteed.
- Read any instructions supplied with your new
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the VIDEOGOBO Menu.
- Insert the disk containing the VideoGobo(s) into
BiT BOPPER's floppy disk drive.
- Select Import VideoGobo(s)...
- The VideoGobo(s) will be installed on the
IMPORTANT! Do not eject the floppy disk while the Disk
Access Lamp is illuminated.
- To preview the new VideoGobo(s), select the
Preview VideoGobo... item.
Things you should know
- Any VideoGobos already on the hard disk with the
same filename as those being installed from the floppy
disk will be overwritten.
See Also
- Delete
[E]xchange (swap)
Return to CONTENTS
[J]am VideoGobos
- ON/OFF: [J]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[J]
- While Jam is switched ON, the ten function keys
along the top of the keyboard are each assigned one of
the VideoGobos in the currently loaded VideoGobo bank.
By pressing any of the function keys, the appropriate
VideoGobo will be instantaneously displayed in
single-layer mode. You can even run your fingers up
and down the function keys to 'scratch' the VideoGobo
- Load in the VideoGobo bank you wish to Jam by
holding down [Shift] and pressing the
appropriate function key.
- Press [J] to turn Jam ON.
- Now press any function key to instantly display
the appropriate VideoGobo. For example, [F3]
will display the 3rd VideoGobo in the selected bank.
Like all VideoGobo Bank based features, Jam will
automatically switch BiT BOPPER into single layer
- Try running your fingers up and down the function
keys to scratch. This scratching effect is most
obvious with a series of similar VideoGobos, such as a
'fractal fly-through', an animated face, logo etc. Try
loading in Bank 6, which is factory installed with a
fractal fly-through.
- Jam can be switched OFF by pressing [J]
Things you should know
- Remember, the function keys are also used as a
method to recall iCUEs in conjunction with the numeric
keypad. To do this, you will need to switch Jam
- It is possible to load another VideoGobo bank
while Jam is ON.
See Also
- VideoGobo Bank
MIDI Reactive
Return to CONTENTS
[K]aleidoscope VideoGobo(s)
- ON/OFF: [K]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[K]
- The selected VideoGobo will be reduced in size by
one half and then mirror replicated, creating a new
- If in dual layer mode, press [+] or
[-] to select a layer, or press [X] to
select both layers.
- Press the [K] key to Kaleidoscope the
selected VideoGobo(s).
- To undo the Kaleidoscope effect, press [K]
Hints and Tips
- Kaleidoscope only works well on certain VideoGobo
designs. It is best used in conjunction with the
[G]lide effect.
See Also
- [G]lide
Return to CONTENTS
VideoGobo Layer Select
(Dual Layer Mode
- Select Front Layer: [+]
Select Back Layer: [-]
Select Both Layers: [X]
- Before you load in a VideoGobo, apply a Color
Filter or a Special Effect, you need to specify a
VideoGobo layer. (Dual layer mode only.)
- If the system is in single layer mode, double
click either the [+] or [-] keys.
- Press the [+] key on the numeric keypad or
the keyboard to select the front layer.
- Load in a VideoGobo or apply a Color Filter or
effect to that layer.
- Press the [-] key on the numeric keypad or
the keyboard to select the back layer.
- Load in a VideoGobo or apply a Color Filter or
effect to that layer.
- To select both layers, press the [X] key
on the keyboard.
With both layers selected, any Color Filter or effect
will be applied to both layers.
Switching to single layer mode
- Double click the [+] key to put the front
VideoGobo into single layer mode, or [-] to
put the back VideoGobo into single layer mode.
See Also
- [L]ayer
Return to CONTENTS
[L]ayer Swap
(Dual Layer Mode
- Layer swap: [L]
- This feature is used when BiT BOPPER is in dual
layer mode and VideoGobos have been loaded into both
layers. By performing a layer swap, the VideoGobo
positions and their attributes are reversed, that is,
the VideoGobo at the back is moved to the front and
the front VideoGobo is moved to the back - along with
any applied colors or special effects.
Remember to ensure that the two layers do not
contain the same VideoGobo design, else Layer Swap
will have no apparent effect, unless a special effect
such as [K]aleidoscope has been applied to one
of the VideoGobo layers.
- Press [L] to swap the positions of the
Hints and Tips
- Experiment with different Transparency Masks after
performing a Layer Swap.
See Also
- Layer Select
Return to CONTENTS
LIVE mode!
Load [P]hotoImage
- [P] [n] [Enter] (Numeric
- Near photographic quality images may be installed
and displayed using BiT BOPPER. Ideal for advertising,
promotion and special events.
The images should be created using personal
computer graphics software according to the
instructions in the ADVANCED
- Press [P]
There are one or two demonstration PhotoImages on the
hard disk. They will be numbered 1, 2 etc.
- Using the numeric keypad, type in the number of
the image you wish to display.
- Press [Enter] on the numeric keypad.
- The PhotoImage can be stored as an iCUE while it
is still on the screen.
- Press any key to remove the image.
The system will revert to whatever it was doing prior
to displaying the PhotoImage.
Things you should know
- High resultion PhotoImages, or PhotoImages stored
in certain file formats may take time to load, to
recall as iCUEs and to preview.
For loading speed and to save hard disk space, we
recommend using images created at 384x240 pixel
resolution. This is the minimum resolution that will
fill the whole screen.
See also
- Preview
Return to CONTENTS
Load VideoGobo
- [n] [Enter] (Numeric keypad.)
- This loads a VideoGobo into the selected layer.
If BiT BOPPER is in single layer mode, then the
VideoGobo will be loaded into the single layer.
If BiT BOPPER is in dual layer mode, then the
VideoGobo will be loaded into the layer selected using
the [+] or [-] keys. If you select
both layers by pressing [X] first, then the
same VideoGobo will be loaded into both layers.
- If the system is in dual layer mode, select a
layer using the [+] or [-] keys, else
proceed to step 2.
- If you wish to preview the VideoGobos before
loading, use the Preview
VideoGobo feature first.
You cannot load a VideoGobo while previewing the
VideoGobos, you must exit Preview mode first.
- Using the numeric keypad, type in the VideoGobo
number and press [Enter].
The VideoGobo will be loaded.
Return to CONTENTS
Make VideoGobo
(Single Layer Mode
- [n] [*] using the numeric
- This feature works in Single Layer Mode when the
system is in Live mode and saves
whatever is on the screen as a new VideoGobo.
- Using the numeric keypad, type in the filename for
the new VideoGobo and then press the [*]
The new VideoGobo image will be saved to the hard
If an attempt is made to overwrite another VideoGobo,
an on screen warning will be given.
- You can load the VideoGobo in the normal way.
Hints and Tips
- Make VideoGobo is ideal for creating complex
VideoGobos for use in conjunction with the [H]old
See Also
- [H]old VideoGobo

- Start programming: [V]
Type in BPM (Beats Per Minute): Numeric
End programming and start: [Enter]
OFF: [V] [V] or [V]
- Ensure there is a VideoGobo based image on the
screen ready to be animated.
If the image is currently being effected by an audio
source, this is OK. Metronome overrides the audio
- Press the [V] key to switch the Virtual
Rhythm programmer on.
- Using the numeric keypad OR the main keyboard if
you prefer, key in a BPM value, for example 120.
- Press [Enter] or [Return] to start
the Metronome.
The Metronome will keep going forever or until it is
turned OFF.
- To switch the Metronome OFF, either double click
the [V] key, or press [V] and then the
[Esc] key.
Hints and Tips
- Metronome is an ideal way to create near perfect
sound-to-light synchronization when there is no
suitable audio source available.
Things you should know
- When Metronome is ON, all other BiT BOPPER
functions remain operable.
- The Metronome setting is stored as an iCUE along
with whatever VideoGobo effect is on the screen. When
the iCUE is recalled, the Metronome will be started
immediately the [Enter] key is pressed.
- Accuracy cannot be guaranteed with very fast or
very slow BPM values.
See Also
- [C]ycle

MIDI Learn
- Vision Control MIDI Learn Menu
- This allows you to trigger the playback of iCUEs
and iCUE Sequences using MIDI Events such as MIDI
notes, parameters or program changes from any device
that outputs MIDI data. It is possible to assign up to
20 MIDI Events.
- Connect the MIDI OUT of your MIDI device to your
computer's MIDI IN port.
Setting up the MIDI channels
- Select the Monitor Channel menu from the MIDI
Learn menu and set it to the lowest MIDI channel that
you want to monitor.
- Select the Monitor Thru Channel menu from the MIDI
Learn menu and set it to the highest MIDI channel that
you want to monitor.
All channels within this range will be
Learning MIDI commands
- Select the Learn MIDI Commands item on the Vision
Control MIDI Learn menu.
- The cursor will start in the first STAT
(status) cell. Press [Return] to toggle
- The cursor will automatically move to the
- Press [Any Key] on the computer
BiT BOPPER is waiting for the first MIDI Event
(This event may be a Program value, Parameter value or
MIDI Note ON signal).
It will time out in approximately 10 seconds.
- Press a key or button on your MIDI device and BiT
BOPPER will learn that trigger and display the
appropriate information in the FUNCTION cell.
The cursor will move to the TYPE cell.
- Press [i] if you wish to assign an iCUE to
the FUNCTION, or [S] for an iCUE Sequence.
The cursor will move to the ITEM cell.
- In the ITEM cell, key in the number of the
iCUE or iCUE Sequence and press [Return].
The cursor will move to the USER/SEQ cell.
- If the ITEM is an iCUE, then key in it's User
Number, else the iCUE Sequence filename will be
displayed automatically.
- Press [*] to save the MIDI settings.
- Press [Help] to exit Vision Control and
return to LIVE mode.
- Sending the appropriate MIDI Event to BiT BOPPER
will trigger the iCUE or iCUE Sequence assigned in the
MIDI Learn table.
Editing the MIDI Settings
At any time, you can modify the learned MIDI settings
by returning to the MIDI Learn table.
See Also

MIDI Reactive
- Vision Control MIDI Reactive menu
- This allows you to use your MIDI device to trigger
various BiT BOPPER effects and features.
With all these features, BiT BOPPER will need to be
in LIVE mode before you can trigger them with your
MIDI device. Be sure to refer to the user's guide
supplied with your MIDI device.
- Setting up the MIDI channels
- Select the Monitor Channel menu from the MIDI
Reactive menu and set it to the lowest MIDI channel
that you want to monitor.
- Select the Monitor Thru Channel menu from the MIDI
Reactive menu and set it to the highest MIDI channel
that you want to monitor. Selecting None allows you to
monitor only the lowest channel selected.
All channels within this range will be monitored.
Velocity Trigger Adjust...
This sets the threshold which a MIDI Note On velocity
value must exceed to act as a beat trigger. It has the
same result as pressing the [Space Bar].
We suggest switching BiT BOPPER's audio input OFF
by pressing [Q]uiet.
- Select Velocity Trigger Adjust from the MIDI
Reactive menu.
- Use the [Left] and [Right] arrow
keys to adjust the value.
- Press [Return] to save and exit. Press
[Esc] to abort.
Note Frequency Adjust...
This allows you to adjust BiT BOPPER's sensitivity to
the rate of incoming MIDI Note On events.
- Select Note Frequency Adjust from the MIDI
Reactive menu.
- Use the [Left] and [Right] arrow
keys to adjust the value.
At 100% the system will be set at 1:1. The higher the
% value, the more notes BiT BOPPER will perceive.
- Press [Return] to save and exit. Press
[Esc] to abort.
Pitch Bend Scratching:
This allows you to proportionally link the keyboard
pitch bend control to the VideoGobos in the loaded
VideoGobo bank.
- Switch [J]am ON by pressing
- Use the [Arrow] keys to move the highlight
bar into the option menu.
- First: When the pitch bend control is in
its neutral position, the first VideoGobo in the
bank will be displayed.
Moving the pitch bend control all the way up will
display the last VideoGobo in the bank.
Middle: When the pitch bend control is in
its neutral position, the middle VideoGobo in the
bank will be displayed.
Moving the pitch bend control all the way up will
display the last VideoGobo in the bank. Moving it
all the way down will display the first
If you move it up and down quickly, you will be
able to scratch the VideoGobo sequence.
MIDI Keyboard Jam:
This allows you to display VideoGobos in the VideoGobo
bank using a MIDI keyboard. The keyboard is divided
into 10 zones, each zone is assigned a VideoGobo in
the VideoGobo bank.
- Switch [J]am ON by pressing
- Jam on your MIDI keyboard!
Change Colors Using:
- Velocity: The applies Primary Color
Filters to VideoGobos in proportion to the MIDI
keyboard velocity. The higher the velocity, the
lighter the color.
Note Freq: The applies Primary Color
Filters to VideoGobos in proportion to the MIDI
keyboard note frequency. The more notes played, the
lighter the color.
Position: This divides a MIDI keyboard
into 7 zones within the keyboard note range, each
zone corresponding to a Primary Color Filter. The
lower notes display darker colors, the higher notes
display lighter colors.
Cycle Speed Using:
Glide Speed Using:
VideoGobo Sequence Speed:
- Switch Sequence ON by pressing [S] or
RamZapper Speed:
- Switch [R]amZapper ON by pressing
Hints and Tips
- Switch ON AMD for more
responsive visuals.
See Also
- Auto Motion Damping (AMD)
MIDI Learn
Sequence Bounce
VideoGobo Bank

[M]ix Color Filters
(Single Layer Mode
- Mix next color filter: [M]
- This feature allows you to mix any two Color
Filters. You can mix any two Primary Color Filters, a
Primary Color Filter and a Spectrum Color Filter, or
any two Spectrum Color Filters. It works by coloring
one half of the VideoGobo with the first color
selected, and the other half with the second color
selected. Some interesting new color effects can
therefore be created. Like all BiT BOPPER effects,
your newly colored VideoGobo(s) can be stored as an
This feature only works in single layer mode.
- Check you have a VideoGobo displayed.
- Press the [M] key on the keyboard.
- Press one of the number row keys between
[0] and [7] to apply a Primary Color
Filter or apply a Spectrum Color Filter by using the
numeric keypad.
- The new Color Filter will be mixed with the
- By pressing [M] again you can mix another
Color Filter with the last color you selected by
repeating from step 3. and so on.
See Also
- Apply
Primary Color Filter
Apply Spectrum
Color Filter

[O]ne Color Lock
- ON/OFF: [O]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[O]
- When One Color Lock is switched ON, a single color
making up the selected VideoGobo(s) will remain
permanently illuminated, even during a quiet period.
If [i]lluminate Lock is switched ON, then
[O]ne Color Lock will automatically switch
- Press the [O] key to switch One Color Lock
- To switch One Color Lock OFF press [O]
To best see the effect of One Color Lock, press the
[Q] key to disable the audio input. Press
[Q] again to re-enable the audio input.
Things you should know
- If the color filter has any black content, then
the effect of One Color Lock will not be seen because
black colors cannot be illuminated.
- One Color Lock is overridden if
[i]lluminate Lock is ON.
- The effect of One Color Lock will not be seen when
certain Transparency Masks are used in Dual Layer
Hints and Tips
- Try selecting different VideoGobos while One Color
Lock is on. Some interesting effects can be
See Also
- [i]lluminate

Panic/Abort Button
- Panic/Abort: [Esc]
- This feature has been provided to provide a quick
get out if you forget what you are doing, or think you
may have made an error.
Pressing the [Esc] key at the top left of
the keyboard aborts whatever BiT BOPPER is currently
doing and if BiT BOPPER is not already in Live mode,
will eventually display iCUE 1 in the currently
selected User Area. This of course assumes there is an
iCUE 1 in the selected User Area. We recommend you
store your favorite effect as iCUE 1.
When in Live mode:
iCUE number 1 in the selected User Area will be
When in Vision Control:
You will be moved back up the menu hierarchy to the
MAIN Menu. At the MAIN Menu, pressing [Esc] or
[Help] will exit Vision Control returning BiT
BOPPER to Live mode.
When inputting text into the CyberWriter or a
dialog box:
The text input mode will be aborted.
When keying in an iCUE or VideoGobo
The numeric input mode will be aborted.
When there is a CyberWriter message on the
The message will be removed.
- Press [Esc]. That's it!

Preview PhotoImages
- Vision Control PHOTOIMAGE Menu or
Browse: [Left] and [Right]
Jump in units of 10: [Up] and
Exit: [Esc], [P] or
- This feature allows you to browse through the
PhotoImages on the hard disk. Preview is not
recommended for us during a live performance. Large
(high resolution) images may take time to appear.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the PHOTIMAGE Menu.
- Select Preview PhotoImages...
The PhotoImages on the hard disk will be shown four at
a time at one quarter their normal size. The
PhotoImage number will be displayed in the corner of
each image.
- Use the [Left] and [Right] keys to
browse continuously.
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
jump in units of 10 PhotoImages.
- To exit Preview, press [Esc], [P]
or [Return].
BiT BOPPER will return to whatever it was doing before
Preview was used.
See Also
- PPreview

Preview VideoGobos
- Vision Control VIDEOGOBO Menu or
Browse: [Left] and [Right]
Jump in units of 10: [Up] and
Exit: [Esc], [P] or
- This feature allows you to browse through the
VideoGobos on the hard disk. Preview is not
recommended for us during a live performance.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the VIDEOGOBO Menu.
- Select Preview VideoGobos...
The VideoGobos on the hard disk will be shown four at
a time at one quarter their normal size. The VideoGobo
number will be displayed in the corner of each
- Use the [Left] and [Right] keys to
browse continuously.
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
jump in units of 10 VideoGobos.
- To exit Preview, press [Esc], [P]
or [Return].
BiT BOPPER will return to whatever it was doing before
Preview was used.
See Also
- Preview

Apply Primary Color
- (Main keyboard only)
[0]-[7] in Single Layer mode
[0]-[9] in Dual Layer mode
- Primary Color Filters may be applied to the
selected VideoGobo(s), CyberWriter text and used as a
Silent Color for VideoGobos.
Except for colors [8] and [9] which
are special, colors [0] through to [7]
are fades based on the 8 primary colors. (See
- VideoGobos
- Refer to the Primary
Color Filters table and choose a Filter.
- Press one of the number keys along the top of the
main keyboard. The Primary Color Filter will be
applied to the VideoGobo(s).
- You can use the Vision Control CYBERWRITER menu to
select a text color, or in live mode, press
[Alt]+[W] followed by the required
primary color key.
See Also
- [D]rift
[M]ix Color
Apply Spectrum
Color Filter

(Disable Audio Input)
- ON/OFF: [Q]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[Q]
- This will disconnect the audio input from BiT
BOPPER's Dynamic Graphics from Audio engine. Ideal if
you wish to generate ambient effects that are not
effected by the audio source.
- Press the [Q] key to disable the audio
- Press [Q] again to re-enable the audio
Hints and Tips
- If [i]lluminate Lock is turned on while
Quieten is on, then some pleasant wallpaper effects
can be created using [G]lide and
[K]aleidoscope. Because the audio source is
disabled, the Glide direction and Color
[C]ycling will not change direction - unless
you use the [V]irtual Rhythm or Metronome
features or Bump using the [Space Bar].
See Also
- Bump

- ON/OFF: [R]
Speed Adjust: [Alternate]+[R]
then [1]-[9]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[R]
- This randomly picks and displays the VideoGobos in
the selected VideoGobo Bank. If used at its highest
speeds, RamZapper creates a dramatic animation effect.
If the VideoGobos in the selected bank are similar,
then the RamZapper effect will be less obvious.
- Press the [R] key to switch RamZapper
BiT BOPPER will automatically switch into single layer
- To vary the RamZapper speed hold down
[Alternate] and press [R]. Release the
keys and immediately press a number between
[1] and [9].
[1] is the slowest, while [9] is
the fastest.
- To switch RamZapper OFF, press [R]
BiT BOPPER will revert to whatever it was doing before
[R]amZapper was switched ON.
Like most other VideoGobo effects, it is possible
to change the color filters and [C]ycle speed
etc while RamZapper is in use.
Hints and Tips
- RamZapper is ideally used in short bursts, perhaps
during the fast high energy part of a piece of

Sequence Bounce VideoGobos
- ON/OFF: [Control]+[S]
Speed Adjust: [Alternate]+[S]
then [1]-[9]
Force OFF:
- This sequences back and forth through the
VideoGobos in the selected VideoGobo bank.
If the VideoGobos in the selected bank are similar,
then the RamZapper effect will be less obvious.
- Hold down [Control] and press [S]
to switch Sequence Bounce ON.
BiT BOPPER will automatically switch into single layer
- To vary the Sequence speed hold down
[Alternate] and press [S]. Release the
keys and immediately press a number between
[1] and [9].
[1] is the slowest, while [9] is the
- To switch Sequence Bounce OFF, hold down
[Control] and press [S]. BiT BOPPER
will revert to whatever it was doing before Sequence
Bounce was switched ON.
Like most other VideoGobo effects, it is possible
to change the color filters and [C]ycle speed
etc while Sequence Bounce is switched on.
Hints and Tips
- Sequence Bounce is best used when the selected
VideoGobo bank contains a series of images that create
an impression of movement when sequenced together,
such as a fractal fly-through, an animated face, a
rotating logo etc.

Silent Color
- Vision Control VIDEOGOBO Menu or
[Alt]+[C] [0]-7]
- This feature allows you to choose what color the
screen shows when [i]lluminate Lock is OFF and
there is no beat, either from an audio source,
[V]irtual Rhythm or Metronome.
By default, the Silent Color is black, but you can
select from any of the Primary Color Filters.
- Press [Help] to activate Vision
- Select the VIDEOGOBO Menu.
- Highlight the Silent Color item and then
use the [Right] key to move the highlight bar
over to the Option List on the right.
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
select a Silent Color.
- Press [Return] to confirm your
- Press [Help] to exit Vision Control.
See Also

Apply Spectrum Color
- [.] [n] [Enter] using
numeric keypad.
- This feature allows you to apply a Spectrum Color
Filter to the selected VideoGobo(s). A Spectrum Color
Filter is a mix of colors specially designed by
graphic artists to add an enchanting or dramatic
rainbow of color to a VideoGobo.
Spectrum Color Filters work best when BiT BOPPER is
in single layer mode as all 256 colors making up the
filter will be visible.
When the system is in dual layer mode, 16 of the
colors are visible. If [D]rift is switched on
in dual layer mode, then the system will cycle through
all 256 colors.
- Refer to the Spectrum
Color Filters table and choose a Filter.
- Press the [.] key on the numeric
- Type in the filter number using the numeric
- Press the [Enter] key on the numeric
The Spectrum Color Filter will be applied to the
See Also
[M]ix Color
Apply Primary
Color Filter
Things you should know
- Future releases of the BiT BOPPER software will
allow additional Spectrum Color Filters to be
installed onto BiT BOPPER's hard disk. These will be
numbered greater than 19.

Transparency Mask
(Single Layer Mode only, except for
- See Transparency Mask Table in the APPENDIX.
- Designed to provide control over how layered
VideoGobos interact, Transparency Masks govern how
much of the front VideoGobo is transparent to the back
VideoGobo. Also effects [H]old VideoGobo.
- To apply a transparency mask, hold down the
[Control] key and press the appropriate number
key along the top of the keyboard.
The selected Transparency Mask will be applied to the
VideoGobo in the front layer position.
Hints and Tips
- Experiment with different combinations of
VideoGobos, Color Filters, Special Effects and
Transparency Masks and you will be able to create a
near infinite variety of visual effects. Remember that
whenever you create an effect you like, it can be
stored as an iCUE for recall in the future.
See Also

[U]ser Logon
- User Logon: [U]
- This feature allows up to 9 different people to
share the same BiT BOPPER system, without the
inevitable conflicts as your iCUEs are overwritten or
erased by another person! User numbers [1] to
[9] should each be assigned to a BiT BOPPER
operator. Any iCUEs Stored will be stored in the
appropriate User Area. For example, if you are User
No. 3, then provided you press [U] followed by
[3] before you use the system, then any iCUEs
you create will be stored in User Area 3. And to
recall these iCUEs, you would need to ensure User Area
3 is still active. (You only need check if you think
someone else has used the system since you last used
It is possible to switch users at any time. For
example, if during a performance a second person (for
example, User 5) arrives to take over from you, then
they can instantly press [U] [5] and
their iCUEs will be accessible. If they leave, you can
switch back to your iCUEs by pressing [U]
If BiT BOPPER is switched OFF and back ON later, it
will remember which user number was last
- Assign yourself and any colleagues a User Number
between 1 and 9.
- Press [U].
- Using the number row keys at the top of the
keyboard, or the numeric keypad, press a number
between [1] and [9].
The Disk Access Lamp will light as the User Area
information is stored on the hard disk in the BiT
BOPPER PREFERENCES file. When the system is next
switched on, the last selected User Area will be
selected automatically.
To provide a reminder of who is assigned which user
number, you can select Assign Usernames... from
the Vision Control PREFERENCES Menu to enter
the names of each user alongside the user
User Area [0]
- User area [0] is reserved for System iCUEs
which are supplied for test and demonstration
- When User Area [0] is selected.
- Although System iCUEs may be viewed, they cannot
be erased or overwritten, and if you try and SAVE an
iCUE into User Area [0], the iCUE will in fact
be saved into the User Area last chosen.

Video [B]op
- ON/OFF: [B]
Force OFF: [Shift]+[B]
- The VideoGobos in the selected bank are
sequentially displayed in proportion to the intensity
of the beat.
For example, if bank 1 is selected which contains
VideoGobos 1 to 10, as shown in the drawing, then
while there is no beat, VideoGobo 1 will be displayed.
A moderate beat would display VideoGobo 1 then 2 then
3, while a more intense beat would display 1 through
to 9, or even 10. Each time the beat falls 'silent',
the reverse occurs and the VideoGobos will decay back
to VideoGobo 1.
- Load Bank 6 by holding down the [Shift]
key and pressing [F6].
Bank 6 contains a 'fractal fly through' which is ideal
for demonstrating Video Bopping.
- Press the [B] key to switch Video Bop
BiT BOPPER will automatically switch into single layer
- The audio source, Metronome, [V]irtual
Rhythm or Bumping will 'Bop' the VideoGobos!
- To switch Video Bop OFF, press [B]
BiT BOPPER will revert to Live mode.
Like other VideoGobo bank effects, it is still
possible to change the VideoGobo bank, color filters
and cycle speed when Video Bop is in use.
Hints and Tips
- Video Bopping is best used when the selected
VideoGobo bank contain a series of images that create
an impression of movement when sequenced together,
such as a fractal fly-through, an animated face or a
rotating logo.
See Also
Audio Trigger Level
VideoGobo Bank

[V]irtual Rhythm
- Start programming: [V]
Tap out rhythm pattern: [Space Bar]
End programming and start: [Any
OFF: [V] [V] or [V]
- Virtual Rhythm allows you to manually tap out a
rhythm pattern that will then be used by BiT BOPPER in
exactly the same way as a connected audio source or
This ingenious feature is for use when it is not
possible to connect an audio source to BiT BOPPER, the
audio source is of poor quality or BiT BOPPER misses
an occasional beat. Alternatively you can use Virtual
Rhythm in conjunction with an audio source and the
Bump key!
- Press the [V] key to switch the Virtual
Rhythm programmer on.
- IMMEDIATELY begin tapping the [Space Bar]
in sync with the ambient music, or use your own
preferred rhythm pattern.
- Once you have tapped out any repeat rhythm
pattern, press ANY KEY for the last beat - that is,
pressing any key on the keyboard acts as the final
beat in your sequence. It is important to remember
The sequence will now be repeated forever or until
Virtual Rhythm is turned OFF.
- To switch Virtual Rhythm OFF, either double click
the [V] key, or press [V] and then the
[Esc] key.
Hints and Tips
- Virtual Rhythm requires a little practice, but
once mastered is an ideal way to create near perfect
sound-to-light synchronization when there is no
suitable audio source available.
Things you should know
- Virtual Rhythm is intelligent! It is possible to
program irregular rhythm patterns into the
- When Virtual Rhythm is switched on, all other BiT
BOPPER functions remain operable.
- Unlike Metronome, Virtual Rhythm is not stored
with iCUEs.
See Also

Vision Control
Browse Menu items: [Arrow] keys
Select item: [Right], [Return]
or [Enter]
Move to Option List: [Right] arrow
Browse Option List: [Up] or
Go back: [Esc] or [Left] arrow
[Help] from anywhere
[Esc] from MAIN Menu
- The VISION CONTROL menu provides an easy to use on
screen interface for pre-programming off-line
features, such as the iCUE Sequencer and Alarms,
system preferences, file importing, file backup, MIDI
setup etc.
- Press the [Help] key to display the Vision
Control MAIN Menu.
- Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to
move the highlight bar through the menu items. The
Vision Control menu system displays a maximum of 10
items on the screen. To access items off screen,
simply scroll through the items to reach the item you
want. If a menu item is followed by three dots (like
this...) then selecting that item will take you to
another sub-menu or other dialog panel.
- Highlight the ABOUT... item from the MAIN
Menu by using the [Up] or [Down]
- Select that item by pressing the [Right]
arrow or [Return] key.
Information on BiT BOPPER will be displayed.
- Press the [Esc] or [Left] key to
exit the ABOUT... panel and return to the MAIN
- Highlight the PREFERENCES Menu... item
using the [Up] and [Down] keys and
press [Return] to select it.
The PREFERENCES Menu will appear.
- At the PREFERENCES Menu highlight the On Start
Up item. This allows you to choose what BiT BOPPER
does when it is switched on.
If a menu item is followed by a semi-colon (like
this:) then when you highlight that item, an Option
List will automatically appear to the right of the
- An Option List will appear to the right of the
On Start Up item. The previously selected
option will be surrounded by an outline
- Use the [Right] or [Return] key to
move the highlight bar into the On Start Up
option list.
- Now use the [Up] and [Down] keys
to select a startup option for BiT BOPPER.
- For this example, if it is not already selected,
choose System iCUE 1.
- Press [Return] to confirm the selection
and the setting will be saved to the hard disk.
The above selection method is used for all Vision
Control menu items.
To Exit Vision Control
To exit Vision Control press [Help]. Press
[Esc] or [Left] arrow to backup
through the menu hierarchy to the MAIN
Things you should know
There may be menu items within Vision Control
that are not covered in this User's Guide. If this is
the case, the feature may be self explanatory - and
may include a few lines of help text that appear at
the base of the Vision Control menu.

Force OFF: [Shift]+[Z]
This is a highly effective strobe effect.
When ZapFlash and [i]lluminate Lock are both
OFF, the colors making up a VideoGobo are illuminated
in proportion to the intensity of the beat. However,
with ZapFlash ON, all the colors are illuminated
simultaneously, whether [i]lluminate Lock is
ON or OFF.
- Press the [Z] key to switch ZapFlash
When ZapFlash is on, all other effects can still be
used, for example, [G]lide can be switched ON
- To switch ZapFlash OFF, press [Z]
Hints and Tips
ZapFlash is most effective in a darkened
See Also
Primary Color Filter Table
0: Black
1: White
2: Yellow
3: Cyan
4: Green
5: Magenta (Purple)
6: Red
7: Blue
8: Random Silky*
9: Random Psychedelic*
*Available in Dual Layer VideoGobo mode only.
To apply a Primary Color Filter to a
- Hold down the [Alternate] key and press
- Release the keys and immediately press a number
between [0] and [7] along the top of
the main keyboard.

Spectrum Color Filter Table
0: Blooded Chrome
1: Rust
2: Candy
3: Cheesecake
4: ColorPie
5: Fifties
6: Foil
7: JellyFish
8: Oasis
9: Pastel1
10: Pastel2
11: Prism
12: Refraction
13: Sahara
14: Stripes
15: Sunshine
16: Thermal
17: Vanilla
18: Volcanic
19: Yuletide
To apply a Spectrum Color Filter to a VideoGobo
- If in Dual Layer VideoGobo mode, select a layer
first using the [+] or [-] keys.
(Press [X] first to select both layers.)
- Using the numeric keypad, press [.], enter
the filter number and then press [Enter].

Transparency Mask Table
[Control]+[1] All
[Control]+[2] Last Half
[Control]+[3] First Half
[Control]+[4] Alternate
[Control]+[5] Alternate
Pairs Transparent
[Control]+[9] Black Areas
Only Transparent
[Control]+[0] All
To apply a transparency mask
Hold down the [Control] key and press the
appropriate number along the top of the keyboard.

Trouble shooting
The screen flashes, but no image is
Did you program the Vision Control PREFERENCES:
On Start Up option to run an iCUE or iCUE
Sequence that does not exist, or is in a different
User Area? (Only iCUE 1 in the selected User Area or
iCUE Sequence 1 can be programmed to run on startup.)
There is a black or colored band at the
side(s) of the image
- Is the image you have loaded complete? That is,
was it created at the full resolution suggested in the
ADVANCED chapter under Creating
VideoGobos or Creating
- On NTSC (USA, Japan etc) Falcon computers running
versions of the BiT BOPPER software earlier than 1.6,
the video output can sometimes display an image with
bars on the right and/or left edges. To fix this
problem, please upgrade
to BiT BOPPER 1.6.
- No VideoGobo(s) are visible
- Is there a VideoGobo loaded? To find out, tap the
[Space Bar]. If you don't think there is a
VideoGobo loaded, load one and try again.
- The Transparency Mask may be set to All Opaque
therefore preventing you from being able to see
through the top layer. Try a different transparency
mask. (Dual Layer Mode only.)
- The Transparency Mask may be set to All
Transparent therefore the top layer will not be
visible. Try a different transparency mask. (Dual
Layer Mode only.)
- The color may be set to black. Try a different
Color Filter.
- [D]rift may have been turned ON then OFF,
leaving a dark portion of a Spectrum Color
- [i]lluminate Lock may be OFF. Therefore,
if the audio source is silent, then the VideoGobo will
not be visible. Press the [Space Bar] to
simulate a beat.
- If [Z]apFlash is ON, or
[i]lluminate Lock is OFF, then the
VideoGobo(s) will not be visible unless:
- There is an audio source present.
- Virtual Rhythm/Metronome is in use.
- The Bump feature [Space Bar] is
- The image is bouncing around the screen out of
- Auto Motion Damping (AMD) and [G]lide may
be ON. Try switching AMD OFF or adjusting the Audio
Trigger Level so that the AMD system is less
sensitive. This will ensure the Glide direction only
changes on loud beats.
- The [G]lide speed may be set too fast.
Slow the Glide speed down. Remember, you cannot adjust
the Glide speed if AMD is ON.
- PhotoImages do not display correctly
- Is the Video Mode
set correctly for your country?
An iCUE will not recall or is different to
that originally stored
- The VideoGobo(s) used in the iCUE may have been
deleted from the hard disk.
- Did you store the iCUE under a different
- Do you log on with the same User Number that you
used before storing the iCUE?
- Perhaps another user stored a different iCUE in
place of your iCUE.
The function keys do no recall iCUEs
- Are there iCUEs in the selected iCUE Bank? You may
have inadvertently pressed a numeric keypad number
key, switching the system into a different iCUE Bank.
For example, if you only have iCUEs numbered 1 to 35
in your user area, and you pressed [4] on the
numeric keypad, you will not be able to access those
iCUEs. You need to press [1], [2] or
[3] on the numeric keypad first.
- Do you have your User Area selected?
The Alarms do not function
- Is the TIME & DATE set correctly? If not, set
it from the Set Time & Date option in the Vision
Control PREFERENCES menu.
- Does the iCUE or iCUE Sequence you wish to trigger
actually exist? Is it in the User Area you specified?
The iCUE Sequence loses accuracy
- Is the Video Mode
set correctly for your country?
No Sound-to-Light Response
- Check the connections between BiT BOPPER's audio
input and your audio source.
- Check the audio source is routed through BiT
- Check the audio source is of the correct level. If
not, adjust the audio sensitivity.
- Adjust the audio sensitivity.
MIDI (Relevant to users of BiT BOPPER Version 1.5
The MIDI parameters are lost when I
- There is a bug in Falcon BiT BOPPER version 1.5.
Please contact
us to upgrade to version 1.6.
The system will not respond
- BiT BOPPER may be in edit or data entry mode...
- Did you press [*] to Store or Recall an
iCUE and forget to finish your operation?
- Did you press [W] and forget to type in
a CyberWriter message?
- Did you press [P] and forget to load a
- If in doubt, press the [Esc] key.
- Freeze may be ON. Switch it
The system appears to have hung
Sometimes it may look as though the software has
frozen or lost control, but in fact this may just be
because you have a particular set of effects applied.
If you are convinced there is a problem, wait at least
10 seconds for any automatic timeouts to end, then
press [Esc], followed by [Clr/Home].
Then recall an iCUE or press [Help] to display
Vision Control. If none of the above are successful,
press the reset button at the rear of the unit to
re-boot the system.
The system appears to be driving itself
- Are any of the Alarms switched ON? If so, then an
iCUE or iCUE Sequence may have been triggered
automatically. You can disable all the Alarms using
the Alarm Master Control item on the ALARM Control
menu item in VISION CONTROL.
- Are either or both of the MIDI modes (LEARN or
REACTIVE) switched ON? If so, then any MIDI signals
being received by BiT BOPPER may be triggering iCUEs,
iCUE Sequences or particular effects or features. If
so, switch OFF the relevent item.

Things to try...
Bouncing Images
- Check the system is in Live mode.
- Press [Clr/Home] to switch OFF any
- Load in a radial patterned VideoGobo that you know
color cycles well.
- Apply a Spectrum Color Filter, or [M]ix of
color filters.
- Switch ON Auto Motion Damping
- Press [V] and type 50 [Enter] to
set the Metronome to 50 BPM.
The image should spin back and forth, with the color
cycling slowing down between the beats.
- Now press [S] to sequence through the
VideoGobos in the currently selected VideoGobo bank on
the beat.
It is possible to make adjustments to BiT
BOPPER attributes at any time, whether the related
feature or effect is switched ON or OFF. For example,
you can change VideoGobo banks at any time, not just
when using features that use VideoGobo banks, such as
[R]amZapper, [V]ideo Bop etc. This and
other such examples are listed below.
The benefits of pre-programming are that you can
set up your next live effect without affecting what is
currently visible on the screen, provided such
adjustments are not made to a feature currently in
Displaying VideoGobos as Static Images
- You may wish to display logos or scanned images
with BiT BOPPER, ideally as close to their original
form as possible. The best way to do this is to follow
the steps below:
- Load in your VideoGobo(s).
- Switch into the desired mode, single or dual.
- If in dual layer mode, select the desired layer.
- Press [Clr/Home] to reset any special
effects etc.
- Check [i]lluminate Lock is ON. If not,
press [i].
- Reset any color cycling by performing a
This will switch OFF color cycling and return the
color palette to it's original form. This is
especially noticeable when using Primary Color
- Apply a Primary Color filter.
Using Spectrum Color Filters will make complex images,
such as digitized or scanned logos, faces etc
difficult to make out, hence it is best to use a
Primary Color Filter, ideally white. (Color
If you are in Single Layer Mode, try using
[M]ix to mix any two color filters.

Creating VideoGobos
It is possible to install addition VideoGobos
onto your BiT BOPPER system. You can create your own
using popular graphics software available on personal
computers, or purchase custom VideoGobos or libraries of
VideoGobos from 3rd parties.
Possible sources of VideoGobos
- 3rd party VideoGobo developers. (See next page.)
- Your own ideas and artwork.
- Scanned logos, photographs, illustrations, paintings
- Mathematical (chaos) patterns, such as Mandlebrot and
Julia Set fractals.
Recommended Computer Graphics Software
Adobe PhotoShop
PC, Mac, Sun or Silicon
Kai's Power Tools
PC, Mac, Sun or Silicon
Corel Photo-Paint
Deluxe Paint
*KPT requires PhotoShop.
VideoGobo Technical Specification
640 x 480 or 384 x 240
BMP, GIF, RAW (PhotoShop
384 x 240
8bit grayscale
Number followed by
appropriate suffix (see below)
Acceptable Source Formats for VideoGobos
A quick guide to creating your own VideoGobo(s)
- Although BiT BOPPER can import images created at
640 x 480 pixel resolution, these will be scaled by
BiT BOPPER during the import process, and a certain
amount of degradation is likely. Therefore try and
source your VideoGobo image at 384 x 240.
- For a VideoGobo to be imported onto BiT BOPPER,
the file name must be a number between 1 and 999
ending in the appropriate file format suffix. (See
Before saving your VideoGobo(s), please note the
- Copy the VideoGobo(s) onto a PC formatted
1.44MByte floppy disk.
- To install your VideoGobos onto a BiT BOPPER
system, see Import
VideoGobo(s) in the REFERENCE Chapter.
The VideoGobo eXchange format (VGX)
- If an image has been specially created for use as
a VideoGobo (and can be successfully installed and
displayed on BiT BOPPER, or other BiT BOPPER
technology product), then it conforms to O Wonder's
VideoGobo eXchange Format (VGX ). If the VGX symbol
shown on this page is displayed on any VideoGobo
libraries or equipment, then compatibility is
guaranteed. To display the VGX logo on your own
VideoGobo library or on an item of equipment requires
a license from O Wonder.

Creating PhotoImages
It is possible to install addition PhotoImages
onto your BiT BOPPER system. You can create your own
using popular graphics software available on personal
Possible sources of PhotoImages
- Photo CD CD-ROM disks*. (Images would need to be
copied from the CD-ROMs onto a floppy disk.)
*Ensure any such images are copyright free.
- 3rd party companies.
- Your own ideas and artwork.
- Scanned logos, photographs, illustrations, paintings
- Mathematical (chaos) patterns, such as Mandlebrot and
Julia Set fractals.
Recommended Computer Graphics Software
Adobe PhotoShop
PC, Mac, Sun or Silicon
Kai's Power Tools
PC, Mac, Sun or Silicon
Corel Photo-Paint
Deluxe Paint
*KPT requires PhotoShop.
PhotoImage Technical Specification
Any resolution up to 768 x
BMP, GIF, 24bit TARGA (8 bit
TARGAs will not work.)
Same as SOURCE, up to 768 x
16bit color
Up to approx 1.2MBytes
Number followed by
appropriate suffix (see below)
Acceptable Source Formats for PhotoImages
A quick guide to creating your own PhotoImage(s)
- BiT BOPPER can import images from any resolution
between 16x16 pixels up to 768x480. Unlike VideoGobo
importing, no scaling is performed. The image is shown
as is.
- For a PhotoImage to be imported onto BiT BOPPER,
the file name must be a number between 4.??? and
(Where ??? is the appropriate suffix - see above.)
Before saving your PhotoImage(s), please note
the following:
BiT BOPPER is supplied with approx 3 PhotoImages
numbered from 1 to 3. Additional PhotoImages should
therefore be given numbers greater than 3.
- Copy the PhotoImage(s) onto a PC formatted
1.44MByte floppy disk.
- To import your PhotoImage(s) onto a BiT BOPPER
system, see Import
PhotoImage(s) in the REFERENCE Chapter.
Apple and Macintosh are registered
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. PhotoShop is a
registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Corel is a
trademark of Corel Corporation. VideoGobo is a trademark
of O Wonder.

Falcon file management
Understanding the information provided in this
section will allow you to perform backups of all, or
portions of the BiT BOPPER software. You can also
transfer files to other BiT BOPPER users by copying the
required files (such as VideoGobos, PhotoImages etc) onto
a PC formatted floppy disk.
To get to the desktop environment
- While the software is up and running, there are
two methods with which to get to the Falcon
- Hold down [Shift]+[Control] and
press [Q]
to desktop...
The Falcon desktop environment
- To understand the Falcon desktop environment,
please refer to an Atari Falcon handbook. The desktop
works in a similar manner to an Apple Macintosh or
Windows 95 desktop. That is, files may be dragged and
The files supplied with Falcon BiT BOPPER
- There are over 150 files supplied with Falcon BiT
BOPPER. This section lists the various folders that
hold these files, starting at the top of the
Erasing, overwriting or modifying any of the files
named here will cause the BiT BOPPER software to
crash, or perform incorrectly.

Falcon Hardware
Monitor Output Pinout
The above shows the monitor output connector
at the rear of the Falcon. By making up your own
cable, you can obtain a high quality RGB signal.

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Falcon Version User's Guide