A Quick description of TT-Digger. ================================= Features - Reliable universal interactive disassembler. - Fully menu and mouse controlled. - Fully GEM conform. - Output to screen and file. - Exhaustive check on validity of addressing modes. - Superfast label generation. - Label generation works for very large programs. - Label generation uses fixup and relocation info. - Interactive (with the mouse) tracking of jumps and references. - Backtracking of pages (UNDO) to a depth of 256. - Disassembly "on the fly" per page of screen. - Fast searching methods for hex patterns, text and references. - Commented header information at the start of the listing. - Distinction between labels in TEXT, DATA and BSS segments. - Recognition of GEMDOS, BIOS, XBIOS and line_A calls. line_F for TOS 1.0 - Access to the cartridge port. - Access to disc sectors (Floppy, harddisc as well as RAM disc's). - Recognition of executable boot sectors (virus checking). - Recognition of incorrect program or object file format (link virus). - Output adaptable to different assemblers (GST, HISOFT, GFA, MCC, MAS, PASM etc.). - Labels in the BSS segment. - Mark data in the TEXT segment. - Distinctive marking of .B, .W en .L data. - Distinctive marking of 16 bit pc relative jump tables. - Quick find indirect jmp's and jsr's. - Marking as data and jump table is recognized by the label generator. - Attaching a short comment to the address of a line. - Permanently store data markings,new names and comments in an index file. - Fully incorporating symbol tables if present. - Both DRI and Pure C object files implemented. - Smoothly call PPU2O for Pure Pascal units. - Locality by using menu's in windows. - Interaction with the user via a journal/console. - Resume mode. Restart opens previous opened files. You can convert the old .IDX file very simple: Load it in 5.4 and than save it again. The file 'SYSVARS.IDX' contains all the names of the 'official' low memory system variables. The names are taken from the ATARI PROFIBUCH. How to incorporate this file: Convert your TOS index file as stated above. Save it, and leave TT-Digger. Load the new style indexfile in a ascii editor as well as the 'SYSVARS.IDX'. simply append the complete contents of the latter to your new TOS indexfile. I am working on a MEMIO.IDX for the 'absolute word' memory mapped IO addresses. Henk