BetaDos 2.90 == MetaDos system by URAn. BetaDos is a new MetaDos implementation and was created February 1998 by Ulf Ronald Andersson. It is compatible with all known multitask systems based on MiNT or MagiC, and includes a filesystem driver which gives TOS users access to a 'unified' drive similar to how U: is used by both MiNT and MagiC. BetaDos contains many improvements over MetaDos but is still 100% compatible with Atari MetaDos 2.70, so all BOS and DOS files used with MetaDos may also be used with BetaDos. Version 2.90 was assembled on May 9 1998. It is still Freeware... 2.90 News: Cluster.Dos now allows links to both files and folders