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Re: MiNTlib (I think I'm on pl43): Bug in sprintf().

  What seems more likely is a problem with the wakeselect on the BIOS devices.
  PPP input uses a deamon to receive and send data from/to the serial port
  selecting the devices. What I have noticed is that when using the Mint
  builtin drivers with Howards select patches applied then input data comes
  in rather largish hunks, ie the wakeup seems not to occur always immediatly
  after data has arrived. But I never noticed complete hangs...
  Migh this be a bug in checkbttys or is this 'normal', Howard?
  I have HSmodem running with 4k receive buffers at 19200.

Probably normal, given that it's really polling at 60 times per second.
So up to 30-some characters can arrive (at 19200) before polling, and then
checkbttys is only called on a context switch, so yes, there could be a
large number of characters waiting before select returns...