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Re: New beta kernel

> The MMU handling routs are not 040/060 compatible. It is possible to
> write them so that they work on all MMUable cpus since the 040 MMU
> is a subset of the 030 MMU which in turn is a subset of the MMU
> coprocessor. The 060 MMU is identical to the 040 MMU.

So, how many of these restrictions affect MiNT (ie. does it use a different
pagesize, is it structured the way you describe, etc.)

Anthony Jacques           IRC: AnthonyJ | The boy stood on the burning deck
                                        | Whence all but he had fled -
jacquesa@zetnet.co.uk                   | Twit.           
http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/jacquesa/ |                  (Spike Milligan)