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Re: Preparing new distribution...

As I said, your lecture was interresting enough that I eventually
loaded it into Everest and reformatted it for my own use, but then
again I shouldn't have to. 

However, since you're using a Microsucks product that is apparently
deviant in regards to relevant RFC, it requires more work to read 
posts like yours... and it sometimes doesn't deserve the trouble.

So please ensure it has proper line breaks after 72 characters,
so all can benefit from your knowledge of Unix variants. ;-)

 >Would you like me to reformat it and send it again,
 >with some linebreaks this time?
 >Martin-Eric Racine wrote:
 >> VERY nice lecture on UNIX filestructures, but unreadable because
 >> your stupid mailer exceeds the 65 to 72 characters-per-line that
 >> would keep the post readable and within RFC specifications.
 >> Even winshit mailer is configurable to limit characters-per-line.
 >> Read The Fucking Manual!   **sigh**

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
Atari TT030 12/48 NVDI 4.11r0, MiNT 1.14.5, N.AES 1.1.0, GlueSTiK
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