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Re: MiNT bug

 >  After more MAN reading, it seems BASH is better suited to 
 >  processing scripts than acting as a login shell, given the
 >  few commandline options.
 >  TCSH has a simple '%B bold text here %b' method of outlining 
 >  bold text in the commandline, which is listed among available
 >  variables for 'prompt' but there's no equivalent under BASH.

[--Howard details the differences of Bourne and CSH variants--]

Your above reply probably synthesizes what would normally take 
about 2 years in CS to assimilate and understand. 

Thanks. It's well appreciated. 8^)

 >(PS: If you care to see why *I* think I know what I'm talking about,
 >my resume is now online at http://highlandsun.com/hyc/abend.html.)

God bless Celtic fiddlers! ;)

(Howard:  amazing how some gifted individuals manage to combine 
          artistic penchants with sheer intellectualism; I guess
          you're one of those.)
From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
Atari TT030 12/1600 NVDI 4.11, MiNT 1.14.6, N.AES 1.1.0, GlueSTiK
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