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Re: [MiNT] MiNTLib 0.51


On Sat, May 15, 1999 at 12:24:19AM +0200, Henk Robbers wrote:
> And dont forget the following:
> If a prototype is declared Pure C applies implicit coercions to
> passed arguments.

Is it ok if I explicitely typecast all pointers to long?

> If there had been a prototype in a common headerfile and you forgot to change
> that too, Pure C would have told you.

It's not forgotten, it's wrong on purpose (see explanation in other mail).
However, I see, that this will need more work to get it to run with PureC.

What if all affected functions would be marked as "cdecl" in the header
files?  For gcc "cdecl" could be #define'd to the empty string and PureC
should know that it has to pass all arguments on the stack.

Performance is not such a big deal because most of these functions do I/O
and the little overhead can be ignored when compared to the filesystem

