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[MiNT] Re: Riebl card info needed (fwd)

> Unfortunately you didn't write if the driver found the board at all. 

It did not.  

After, when I tested the board with the included ANS utils,
it reported that internal loopback succeeded, but external
loopback failed (whatever that means).  Also, the other ANS
util used to set the hardware address failed, so I think my
battery is just dead.

> When the board is setup correctly and if it is not broken,
> the driver should install with a message like:
> AM7990: driver v?.? (rle?) for RIEBL VME (TT) (<hw address>)

> BTW, you find all necessary addresses in lancemem.h

Good to know.  Glad I know how to read C sources a bit, too...

> If the board is found but the hw address is invalid 

Indeed the case here.

> you have first of all to use ifconfig with the -f option to load 
> the hw address from a file. Then - with a second ifconfig call - 
> you can setup the interface. The file should contain:
> hwaddr 0x0:0x0:0x36:0x4:??:??
> where the first four bytes are always fixed (this is the official(!)
> hw address range for VME Riebls, for MEGABUS Riebls use 0x2 instead 
> of 0x4. 

This looks a lot like the format of dummy.conf from MiNTnet....? ;-)

So how do I start the connection, then?  What line do I add?
Something like


ifconfig -f /path/to/riebl.conf 
ifconfig lo0 addr up

#route add lo0


...or something else?  Please provide a sample rc.net with this
Riebl initialisation, if possible.  It currently remain vague.

> You will find the complete hw address on a label on your board where
> you find the data to replace the ?? with.

Yes, an address in Hex, on the big converter on the back of the card,
near the connectors.  Got it.

> I will add some more complete documentation to the next official release but by
> now I'm waiting for some diffs to integrate so that Guido can start to split
> the package... So the next release will still take some time...

Does this mean that Portlib and Netlib will be integrated into
MiNTlib, finally? ;-)))

Martin-Eric Racine        http://www.pp.fishpool.fi/~q-funk/M-E/
The ATARI TT030 Homepage       http://funkyware.atari.org/TT030/
Intellitel Communications  www.intellitel.com  +358 (5) 624 3283