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Re: [MiNT] Xaaes on cvs, but where ?


> > Sorry, it's still not there :-/ I wanted to make it gcc friendly first but
> > that's not as easy as I thought.
> Please do that later.
> Or in a branch.
> I know what you think about Pure C,

I don't think you know, I don't have anything against PureC. It's just
that an open source project should be at least compilable with a free

The problem is just that you use non-ANSI-C constructs all over the place.
I don't know why PureC accept this. Due to this reason I had to modify
large parts of the source (every file need heavy modifications).

So a branch doesn't make much sense.

> but trying to convert first will seriously break continuity.

Hehe, this one week doesn't matter very much :-)

> Thers are lots of people around that would be very happy when they can
> maintain to compile XaAES using their Pure C on their real Atari.

Readding PureC compatibility should be not a problem now:

- I use nkcc routines from cflib (available for PureC/gcc)
- I use VDI bindings from gemlib (only vex_whlv binding is missing);
  the current gemlib is for PureC/gcc and uptodate
- I don't use any other library
- I removed all unnnecessary assembler things


e-Mail: fnaumann@freemint.de