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[MiNT] wind_set(WF_TOPMOST) extension


I just commint an extension to previous documentation

wind_set(handle,WF_TOPMOST, parm1,...)
        2 : for put window in topmost state (alway's over other classical
windows) but link to the focus of application, if application lost focus, window
is close, when focus is restore window is open by aes. This is classical toolbox
on other systems. For use just do a wind_create() then
wind_set(WF_TOPMOST,2,...), not do any wind_open() or wind_close() at the end
just do your wind_delete(), all is automatic.

Now it need to know how this system call exist, actually I not like a lot to add
this to appl_getinfo(), because this is not enough generic, I think we should
add a call in wind_set() or wind_get(), to know if a mode exist like

wind_set(-2,WF_TOPMOST) return 1 if exist, 0 if not for example.
