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Re: [MiNT] EasyMiNT / Aranym issues?

> I selected the EasyMiNT option where MiNT runs init instead of GEM.
> Otherwise everything seems to be working fine, but:
> * less crashes easily
> * screen editors (like vi) don't work, they don't show any or most
>  of the lines in the files.
So you run it from that console, right? Well, this isn't very reliable
from my experience -- it uses "native" terminal emulator, i.e. it
lacks many features of "normal" terminal like colors for example. And
'less' is broken in all cases, you have to use 'more' instead (yes,
even in toswin).

> Using "aes" to start XaAES & Teradesk, I can use "vi" in TosWin2, but
> its output is almost non-readable (there are vertical lines and every other
I don't use 'vi' very much but did you try to set terminal emulation
to 'tw100' instead of 'tw52' ? It behaves better from what I have

> But when its config file uses "Bootstrap = system/mint.prg" option, MiNT
> doesn't seem to respect my mint.cnf changes (to the
> drive_c/mint/1-17-cur/mint.cnf file).  How I can give MiNT config options
> when the Bootstrap option is used with Aranym?
Are you sure about this? I can't imagine how XaAES would start if
mint.cnf is ignored :)

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes