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[MiNT] The Thing vs. XaAES issue.


I've posted about this before, but I'm somehow not really sure what happened with this. Thing and XaAES does not quite get along nowadays (1-17). There is a window focus problem.

Now, Thing is one of only three desktops which conforms to "modern" specifications. No matter if the problem is due to a mishap in Thing or if it's a bug in XaAES, the application in question is significant to the platform. In other words, it must work. If not, a workaround is required. Don't get me wrong - I bloody hate workarounds, and bugs should be fixed at the source, but in some sence the AES has to offer some degree of bug-to-bug compatibility.

Thing works well with 1-16. So what exactly happened, and how can it be fixed?

I'll be downgrading to 1-16 again very soon, because this kind of issue effectively prevents me from using my machine. That's bad.

-- PeP