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Re: [MiNT] Taskbar area (was: Re: zTask Bug or maybe even kernel bug, or is it my fault?)

On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 23:38:41 , Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, I think I understand. I seem to remember having issues with the
> taskbar when using HighWire, even though it was set to nohide
> I do have a vague memory that the code in XaAES can support "always on
> top". I believe the windows are stored in the order they are opened
> one after the other, with the current "topped" window being the one on
> top of that stack (or array). Any existing window that is then topped
> is just moved up that "window stack"
> In theory a mechanism to manage "topped" windows could reduce the
> point in the stack where the normal "topped" windows are ordered, and
> allow "always on top" windows to be inserted above that point
> I wounder how well this would fit in with the config. I guess
> something like an APP_OPTIONS always_topped option would be suitable,
> with order being that in which "allways_topped" was registered, be it
> via config, or XaAES menu/popup.

I think your idea would allow windows to go behind the task bar which
is no what I had in mind.

If you look at Windos, the task bar area is protected from any intrusion.
It is as if the desktop is reduced by that amount and the app windows cannot
be moved into that task bar area.
