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Re: [MiNT] Correct CVS repo addresses in Wiki?

Miro Kropáček píše v Pá 14. 01. 2011 v 14:43 +0100:
>         The mirror was set up because Johan's CVS server used to be
>         off-line for
>         days or even months which was complicating eventual fVDI
>         development...
> Mystery solved, thanks for explanation :) Btw does it still work
> (mirror) the cvs? I could swear I saw some differences between those
> two.

The mirror was actually more like a backup copy of Johan's repository
and it was Johan's cron job that was sending me the copy every night
(when his server happened to be online ;-). I wouldn't be surprised if
that stopped working on his side for some reason. 

The latest cvs backup tgz is dated 2009-01-26. If there is indeed some
inconsistency then I better remove the mirror from my server to avoid
