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Re: [MiNT] Background

Am 14.09.2011, 23:46 Uhr, schrieb OL <o.l@lutece.net>:

Desktop is not redraw by the application it is done by AES, applications have no idea how redraw the desktop.

It's useless trying to explain this!

This is an interesting option to have the same background for all applications with background, there is in this less blink.

Not only interesting but mandatory!

An example with Interface background.


Now Xaaes can do this too (next build).

Now it is simple to have this feature as an option in the config file.

But why? If a user never touches it he will get the default behavior, and if he does he knows how to switch it off.

BTW: I still don't know how to display a background-image in MyAES, but that's another story ..

Helmut Karlowski