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Re: [MiNT] default kernel build for aranym

On 04/11/12 13:04, Paul Wratt wrote:
> (or MEM_PROT=NO according to MiNT)
> of the 4 standard versions of aranym, only one uses mmu - so it has to
> be disabled for the other 3 to boot
> aranym
> aranym-mmu
> aranym-jit
> aranym-jit-fpu
> (jit does not work with mmu)
> You have to know to turn off memory protection, and unless you have an
> AFROS config you will not know that. The BootstrapArgs is empty by
> default
> the problem with its current setting is that unless you "restore mmu"
> with "mmusetup.prg" (which is not supplied) you can not use memory
> protection anyway
> if you try to boot MiNT in ARAnyM with MiNT's current default
> settings, this is what you get:
> MMU is disabled
> root_descriptors: 0
> pointer_descriptors: 0
> page_descriptors: 0
> memory needed for each MMU tree: 0 byte
> Couldn't initialize memory protection. Please run MINTNP.PRG instead.
> FATAL ERROR. You must reboot the system.
> Panic: Bus Error.
> sr = 2704, pc = 000875ce, fw = 7008, ea = 00000000, ssw = 0000, fa = 00000000
> Dregs: 00000001 00002304 0000fe06 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> Aregs: 00000004 000a7d36 000884cc 0004cc7a  0005e69e 0005e6d2 000c8990 000c8930
>                                                                  usp = 000c8a0e
> if you try and boot mint with "aranym-mmu" this is what you get:
> MMU is disabled
> root_descriptors: 0
> pointer_descriptors: 0
> page_descriptors: 0
> memory needed for each MMU tree: 0 byte
> Couldn't initialize memory protection. Please run MINTNP.PRG instead.
> FATAL ERROR. You must reboot the system.
> CPU: Double bus fault detected !
> CPU: Halting
> This means that grabing any ARAnyM and FreeMiNT daily build is
> pointless at the moment, unless you already have a working setup.
> I know that unpacking a daily build is not a simple thing, hence the
> 2x upgrade scripts I created last year, but I was still hearing
> reports that "getting MiNT to run is not easy", and I think this is
> the main cause, at least with ARAnyM. A simple change and a lot of
> potential problems disappear, with MEM_PROT being properly documented
> turning it on is not a problem.

Disabled by default.

Thanks for investigating Paul.
