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Re: [MiNT] Menu redraw

Le 23/03/2013 14:14, Ole a écrit :
Am Samstag, den 23.03.2013, 13:52 +0100 schrieb "Helmut Karlowski" <helmut.karlowski@ish.de>:

Every time I move the mouse across the menu bar the menu drops down but the
underlying window is partly drawn over it.

I only notice with netsurf, and I assume it is the program shown in your
screenshot too. In that case I'm pretty sure it's a netsurf-bug.

I think here we have 2 odd things:

1. Netsurf fails to do correct clipping (I'm assuming the visible rectangle list is correct and Netsurf DOES iterate over the visible rectangles) 2. Why does XaAES send an WM_REDRAW message when you move from one menu item to another one? AFAIK there is an Buffer called "1/3 buffer" (or similar name...) in the AES for such things. Please tell me :)

I can explain because this is the same in MyAES, XaAES need to do this because the menu is in window, and it is in window because this the only clean way to the AES to not lock applications when the menu is open. So when a window close the AES send a WM_REDRAW as for all windows and because under window the content can have changed, we can't save the content before display the menu to restore it after the close as it is the case on old AES.

