[Freemint-list] shel_write() causing memory violation?

Miro Kropáček miro.kropacek at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 16:30:36 MSK 2017

On 12 January 2017 at 09:08, Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski at ish.de>

> Just wondering why fVDI would fix that ...

Actually, I've messed things up here (because I forgot to enable MP in
aranym's config file).

Memory violation is solely EmuTOS VDI's thing. I'll report it to EmuTOS ML.
It's not reproducible with TOS VDI, NVDI nor fVDI.

wiscr = 1 without ARGV= is still a major XaAES issue but it's not causing
memory violation, although all the symptoms suggest it does read illegal
(private) memory because the command line in argv[] is just rubbish. But it
has nothing to do with VDI.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
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