[Freemint-list] FreeMiNT for 21st century

Jo Even Skarstein joska at online.no
Thu Jan 12 23:14:50 MSK 2017

On to., 2017-01-12 at 10:07 -0500, Mark Duckworth wrote:

> Besides on my atari I use distcc to a linux server running a cross
> compiler.  It's a bit of cheating but builds happen really fast ;)

So there you go, you are not really compiling on the Atari :) Btw very
cool that you're using distcc on MiNT, I did not know that it existed. I
have used NFS when crosscompiling, but to be honest NFS has not been
completely reliable in my case. I've also used rsync to keep the local
sourcetree on my Milan (where I edit the files) in sync with the same
sourcetree on my PC/Linux (where I compile), have had no problems there
and it was actually noticable faster than NFS too.

gcc 2.6/2.7 was the last gcc that ran at an acceptable speed IMO, after
that one really must rely on cross compiling to get any work done. At
least I do, because I have the bad habit of using the compiler to detect
my typos and mistakes and thus compiles a *lot*.

I normally use AHCC, I find even that one a bit too slow on my

FireBee is not really an option for me anymore, I'm so used to memory
protection that I prefer the slower Milan and Afterburner.

Jo Even

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