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Re: MiNT goes UNiX, invitation for mailing list

If there is goeing to be a separate list, I really would like to be on
it too.

I have also wondered about such a project and was slowly trying to
pull myself together to do something similar on my own setup.

Of things I have considered myself:

- We need (as Claus Brod already mentioned) a standard directory
  structure (sh in /bin, c libraries in /usr/lib etc.) and even better
  a standard distribution (could be anything from just a list of
  packages to a real distribution kit).

- We need to get of the tos filesystem stuff, and I personally think
  we should nuke whereever we can find it. I would like unix style
  path settings (/bin:/usr/bin...) and no mentioning of backslashes at
  all (for instance it seems that minixfs will contain some support
  for mounting)

- Perhaps some standards for how to port software, such that rather
  than just using `#ifdef atari' when making some (unix incompatible)
  changes, one should use something like:

	`#if defined(atari) && !defined(MINTOS)'

  so that we unix freaks will not loose the unix way of doeing things,
  unless we insist.

A good starting point would be to start making some standards
documents (much in the manner of the ARGV standard). We may also want,
at some point, to start making changes in the kernel itself, to make
it more unix'sh and posix'sh. 

A main point of our efforts will be that we do not need to care for
tos compability (a worthy goal, but not important to me).

Just my penny,

Christian Lynbech               | Hit the philistines three times over the 
				| head with the Elisp reference manual.
email: lynbech@daimi.aau.dk	|        - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)