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Re: MiNT goes UNIX. I hope not.

> Atari SYSVr4 is big and expensive, oh and it's SYSVr4.. surely a big iron
> nail in its coffin. :-)
> Oh.. I forgot.. Atari canned it in its Beta-test stange, so you can't buy it
> anyway.

Do you honestly believe that MiNT will ever get close to Beta stage?

> Bringing the filesystem roadmap into a standard can only help people who
> want to run free software from the net as people will only need to download
> binary distributions with standard install scripts.
> There will be no more "I downloaded package X but I can't get it working on
> my system" or "which environment variable does this package use to find the
> temporary directory" questions as the paths can be hard-coded. The OS does
> all the fiddly bits of working out which drive /tmp or /var/spool/mail etc
> are on. This is as it should be. Let the OS, not the user, take the strain,
> that's what it's there for.

No, there will be 'which hard-coded directory does package X use?  It doesn't
seem to work.  Well, let's take a hex editor and check out the binary.'
We should find a solution which uses neither hard-coding nor environment

Annius V. Groenink | E-mail: avg@cwi.nl      |  Private & ZFC:
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