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Re: BUG! in MiNT

> There is a straneg bug in MiNT where if a program crashes it cannot
> be re-run or it will crash again.  For some reason MiNT saves some sort
> of information about the program (who knows where) and must try to 
> execute where the program left off.
> I think this could be where the "memory leak" that some people notice
> is coming from.  In any case, once something crashes, its very difficult
> to get it running again (sometimes stuff that crashes at the desktop 
> can be run from TOSWIN and vice-versa, so it must have to do with where
> the program runs from in memory - maybe if it runs from the same location
> it continues to crash or something).
> Anyway, this is a serious bug (at least I think).  And I get it all the time!

Whichever way you put it,  MiNT is definitely a better adventure Game
than ST Basic.

Annius V. Groenink | E-mail: avg@cwi.nl      |  Private & ZFC:
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