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Re: MiNT 1.10 (+various patches) and Minixfs 0.6 pl.10.. Help!!!

>Stephen Usher <Stephen.Usher@earth.ox.ac.uk> writes:
>|> I seem to be in a catch-22 position:-
>|> 	I can't compile MiNT to fix the problem which stops me from
>|> 	compiling MiNT.
>|> 	Also, I can't downgrade to Minixfs <pl10 as my Minix partitions now
>|> 	use the new symlink format.
>You should be able to proceed if all your processes are running as root,
>since Rwabs will then never return EACCDN.  But you should have backed
>up your old version of MiNT, shouldn't you? :-)

Thanks.. I'll attempt to build a new version of MiNT with the test removed
as root.

Ah, but I did when I upgaded MiNT, but deleted it once I had a seemingly
fully working version.. it was Minixfs 0.6pl10 which triggered the feature
(or should I say bug?). :-)

>Andreas Schwab                                      "And now for something
>schwab@ls5.informatik.uni-dortmund.de                completely different"
>* Linux/Atari is coming real soon now, stay tuned *


Computer Systems Administrator, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Oxford University.
E-Mail: steve@uk.ac.ox.earth (JANET) steve@earth.ox.ac.uk (Internet).
Tel:- Oxford (0865) 282110 (UK) or +44 865 282110 (International).