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Re: Strange keys

> I think I've noticed something strange under MiNT...  Both [Backspace]
> and [Delete] seem to produce ^? in shells.
> I'm running MiNT 1.10 + megapatches and bash 1.35, and I wanted to bind
> [Delete] to delete-next-character, like it should be (since [Backspace]
> already does delete-previous-character).
> There doesn't seem to be anything I can do with xkeys to fix this; will
> I need to patch my MiNT sources (I've just compiled 1.11h2 + some
> patches from the MiNTlist)?
The [Delete] key is written as ^?, the [Backspace] as ^H.
So you should try:
bindkey ^H delete-previous-character
bindkey ^? delete-next-character


|      Stephan Haslbeck	       |    Fachschaft Informatik    |
|       Agricolastr. 61	       |   Technische Universitaet   |
|      D-80686 Muenchen	       |      Muenchen, Bayern	     |
|Motto: Es gibt keine Probleme,|
|        nur Loesungen.	       |