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Re: Problems with cron port

Andreas Schwab writes:
> Stephan Haslbeck <haslbecs@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> writes:
> |> I once read a comment near the creation of the /etc/utmp-file
> |> in an old mintos-suite, at the beginning of init.c:
> |> It was something like "creat opens a file that never gets a length
> |> greater 0 when writing to it", so it has to be done by unlinking
> |> and re-creating it. Maybe this has something to do with my
> |> problem? Seems to be a problem with the mintlibs.
> No, this is a problem with tosfs.  GEMDOS does not update the size of
> a file until it is closed.  Create the lock file on a minix file
> system, and it should work.

It _IS_ on a minix file system.
I also watched the debug output of mint while starting the daemon.
It says that it writes 4 bytes to the file. But the file does not
grow, and you can't read something from it. 


|      Stephan Haslbeck	       |    Fachschaft Informatik    |
|       Agricolastr. 61	       |   Technische Universitaet   |
|      D-80686 Muenchen	       |      Muenchen, Bayern	     |
|Motto: Es gibt keine Probleme,|
|        nur Loesungen.	       |