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Re: dld / Python?

> >  'Dynamic loading of modules is rumoured to be supported on some other
> >   systems: [...], and Atari ST.'
> I guess they just quoted dld's readme (python can be linked with dld);
> dld had once been ported to the ST.

:-(. It would be nice if somebody with diskspace to spare would give
Python a try (needs about 10MB free space for docs/source/compilation and
configure etc. stuff). At the bottom is a blurb about Python features
for the interested. If I had enough space I would try it myself
(compiling >1MB of code could take a while on STfm :).

>From the atari version thread and GUI (built on C-stdwin / Tk) support
need to be dropped out.  For leaving threads out there's a configure
option.  After the compiler itself would have been ported, I could
myself give a try at converting the core parts of the stdwin module to
GEM or W... IMHO quite a worthwhile project! :)

My main interests lie in true OOP (not static like C++) capability,
and fast compile/running. I guess Python will need quite a bit of
memory, but probably less than C++. Here's an example of how to use
network from Python: :)

# Send UDP broadcast packets
MYPORT = 50000

import sys, time
from socket import *

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(('', 0))
s.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)

while 1:
	data = `time.time()` + '\n'
	s.sendto(data, ('<broadcast>', MYPORT))
# Receive UDP packets transmitted by a broadcasting service
MYPORT = 50000

import sys
from socket import *

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(('', MYPORT))

while 1:
	data, wherefrom = s.recvfrom(1500, 0)
	sys.stderr.write(`wherefrom` + '\n')

For the C-sources and more info see: ftp.funet.fi:/pub/languages/python/.
I have understood Python to be more portable than eg. Perl.

	- Eero

What is Python?...

Python is a relatively new very-high-level language developed 
in Amsterdam.  Python is a simple, procedural language, with 
features taken from ABC, Icon, Modula-3, and C/C++.

It's central goal is to provide the best of both worlds: 
the dynamic nature of scripting languages like Perl/TCL/REXX, 
but also support for general programming found in the more 
traditional languages like Icon, C, Modula,...

As such, it can function as a scripting/extension language,
as a rapid prototyping language, and as a serious software
development language.  Python is suitable for fast development
of large programs, but also does well at throw-away shell coding.

Python resembles other scripting languages a number of ways:
    - dynamic, interpretive, interactive nature
    - no explicit compile or link steps needed
    - no type declarations (it's dynamically typed)
    - high-level operators ('in', concatenation, etc)
    - automatic memory allocation/deallocation (no 'pointers')
    - high level objects: lists, tuples, strings, associative arrays
    - programs can construct and execute program code using strings
    - very fast edit/compile/run cycle; no static linking
    - well-defined interface to and from C functions and data
    - well-defined ways to add C modules to the system and language

Python's features that make it useful for serious programming:
    - it's object-oriented;  it has a simplified subset of 
      C++'s 'class' facility, made more useful by python's
      dynamic typing;  the language is object-oriented from
      the ground up (rather than being an add-on, as in C++)

    - it supports modules (imported packages, as in Modula-3);
      modules replace C's 'include' files and linking, and allow
      for multiple-module systems, code sharing, etc.;

    - it has a good exception handling system (a 'try' statement,
      and a 'raise' statement, with user-defined exceptions);

    - it's orthogonal;  everything is a first-class object in the
      language (functions, modules, classes, class instance methods...)
      and can be assigned/passed and used generically;

    - it's fairly run-time secure;  it does many run-time checks
      like index-out-of-bounds, etc., that C usually doesn't;

    - it has general data structuring support;  Python lists are
      heterogeneous, variable length, nestable, support slicing, 
      concatenation, etc., and come into existance and are reclaimed 
      automatically;  strings and dictionaries are similarly general;

    - it's got a symbolic debugger and profiler (written in python, 
      of course..), and an interactive command-line interface;
      as in Lisp, you can enter code and test functions in isolation,
      from the interactive command line (even linked C functions);

    - it has a large library of built-in modules;  it has support
      for sockets, regular expressions, posix bindings, etc.

    - it supports dynamic loading of C modules on many platforms;

    - it has a _readable_ syntax;  python code looks like normal
      programming languages;  tcl and perl can be very unreadable
      (IMHO; what was that joke about Perl looking the same after
      rot13..);  python's syntax is simple, and statement based;