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Re: dld / Python?
|Python is a relatively new very-high-level language developed
|in Amsterdam. Python is a simple, procedural language, with
|features taken from ABC, Icon, Modula-3, and C/C++.
|It's central goal is to provide the best of both worlds:
|the dynamic nature of scripting languages like Perl/TCL/REXX,
|but also support for general programming found in the more
|traditional languages like Icon, C, Modula,...
What about porting Java?
Java use threads also.. and it gogoing to be used a lot :-)
Stephane Boisson | 11, rue de la Garenne | Falcon030/MiNT, MacIIci, Un*x
boisson@worldnet.net | 92310 Sevres FRANCE | TCP/IP, XWindow, C, 680x0