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MiNT is a part of MultiTOS which is the official operating system for
all Atari computers. Since Atari only deals with the Jaguar these
days, I'm a bit hesitant to call this "support", though.
Atari does have a Web address, but no single e-mail address. Some
employees have CompuServe and other accounts.
MiNT is a multitasking kernel. Though this is not 100% correct, think
of it as a GEMDOS replacement. MiNT itself runs on any TOS; in the
most simple configuration, it enables you to run several TOS/MiNT
console-mode processes at a time. Using AES replacements such as
Atari's AES 4.1 or Geneva, you can also run several GEM programs
MiNT can be found on many ftp servers, such as atari.archive.umich.edu.
Some of them might have e-mail services for sending files; I'm not
sure about atari.archive, though. I'm sure other people can fill out
the missing details 8-)
Claus Brod, MDD, HP Boeblingen Have you hugged your manager today?
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