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Re: TU VIENNA adaptor board for DE600

> Do you know if anybody has used one on a 8Mhz ST or TT?

Dont know about the DE600CT. But I think you can rely on it beeing
compatible (at least from the drivers point of view) to the plain
DE600 with just one BNC connector.

> 1) Did you actually add in the extra 'inverter' (NOT Gate?) as appears in
> the GIF file? Seems to be something to do with the 'CP' pins on the
> 74HCT574 chips.

Yes. The MintNet driver relies on it and it actually makes things faster.

> 2) What value capacitors did you use?

I think 10nF.

> 3) What exactly should go at 'S3' AFAICT its a switch which grounds either
> pin 13 or pin 11 of IC5 or connects the 2 pins together. I'm not sure
> exactly either where the wire from the centronics BUSY goes to. I presume
> its somewhere on S3?

Is S3 the 3 pin connector on the board? You need to connect only one of the
three pins (don't know which at the moment, one of the two outer ones) to the
busy pin of the centronix port. The other one can be connected to the busy
wire from the printer (then you can use the printer concurrently, but the
MintNet driver doesn't support this at the momenent. If I port it to l68k
I may very well add code to make the printer work concurrently).

Kay Roemer              roemer@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
"If I ever meet ..."    http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/~roemer/
"... myself I'll hit myself so hard I won't know who hit me" (Zaphod)