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Re: Importance of "W" for Mac68/TOS

On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, Anthony Jacques wrote:

> I'm on the zetnet.help.atari newsgroup, and there are lots of UK Atari users
> here - almost all of whom use either Stik or STiNG - I haven't seen MiNTnet
> even mentioned on this newsgroup!

Not very surprising.. Every one of the current tcp/ip stacks for the atari
is able to work, and also has it's probs. What you use is what the others
you know tell you to use, and what you get the most support with. The
people at zetnet helped each other onto the net. I have a hunch those 15
Atari users in czech (keep up the good work <g>) have helped each other a
lot as well. So what counts is umm well the way you're "brought up" so to
speak :))

Maurits aka Comp7