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What's in a MiNT? 8^>

Bill Hallman wrote (in private reply to "MiNT bug"):

 >>Yes, and MiNT tries to be BSD, Linux and the kitchen sink, 
 >>at the same time, which doesn't always produce predictable 
 >   You are wrong about what MiNT was meant to be. That's what is 
 >causing the most confusion.

Hold on! _I_ never said MiNT was supposed to be this and that.

 >   MiNT was never designed to be BSD or any other flavor of UNiX.
 >It was conceived to be an operating system for the Atari that was
 >similar to BSD, yes, but not an exact replacement.

Then WHY is it that so many people on the MiNT list try to upgrade
MiNT to follow Posix standards and insist upon porting _every_ BSD
application they can get their hands on?

When it gets that far, the original intents of Eric Smith no longer
matter, as it becomes obvious people want MiNT to function as a BSD
with GEM running on top of the kernel.

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
Atari TT030 12/1600 NVDI 4.11, MiNT 1.14.6, N.AES 1.1.0, GlueSTiK
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