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Re: filesystem development...

 >> I have almost completed such a "toy" distribution [...]
 >> What's currently included:     
 >> [...]
 >>                      GlueSTiK 0.2.b4 (my own GCC compile)
 >I'm fairly certain this version was pretty buggy.  It definitely didn't
 >handle listen sockets well, IIRC.  Is there a reason you aren't going with
 >something at the 3bX level?

Mainly because 3.x cannot be executed as PRG, so I have no
control over WHEN they are started.  You might recall the
MUCH faster operation I achieved by starting both binaries
in rc.net, which unfortunately cannot be done using 3.bX.

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
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