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Re: vt100 compliance

 >MR>Then again, I would appreciate the option of having true vt100 vcons
 >MR>(with color support) and not be told that I "should start using MiNT
 >Tell me which vt100 codes are not supported by tw100.

"echo $TERM" returns tw100, which most remote servers do not recognize,
even after a proper termcap has been uploaded (shell parameters & all).

MANY newer applications consider termcap as obsolete; they need a pre-
compiled terminfo, which is NOT something the user can upload; it has 
to be installed by tech support. 

Usually, tech support won't give a flying hoot about that odd user who
cannot simply use real vt100 like everyone else...

It's not a question of how many vt100 or ANSI escape codes your tw100
termcap defines;  it's a question of tw100 being a non-standard oddball
term, and termcap becoming obsoleted by terminfo.

If you don't agree, consult with Kris Lawson and have him quote you
the manual pages from his system.  It took him ages to figure it out,
until some manual specificaly said "termcap is obsoleted by terminfo".

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