--- Begin Message ---
- Subject: Timing and MIDI and MiNT?
- From: Anders G{rder <f93anga@dd.chalmers.se>
- Date: 12 Oct 1998 11:25:44 GMT
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Organization: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- User-agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (SunOS/5.6 (sun4u))
- Xref: reader2.news.rcn.net comp.sys.atari.st:197949
I've written a program for SingleTos that steals the keyboard/midi
interrupt and uses timer A for timing. To my surprise it all worked
under Mint 1.15 with AES 4.1 too!
So now I am curious. Can I make this program compatible with MiNT!?
Can you freely use Timer A under MiNT?
To make the keyboard and mouse work my MIDI rout also calls the
address stored in $1156, is this an official address?? Will N Aes
fetch its rout there, too?
If this all is allowed, one could easily (oh well) write MultiTos
sequencers and such stuff...
/Anders Gärder - visit www.sidstation.com
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