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[MiNT] Some problem with application ...
Happy New Year to all,
I have some problem with all versions of FreeMiNT. I have
an application on my home page, that is called EB_MODEL.
This is a Persistence Of Vision III Modeller made by
Emmanuel BARANGER. With This Modeller I can't get
external modules works under FreeMiNT, whatever is
the version I use. E.B. who I contact regularly
made a protocol to call his external modules
(like the POV saving, and other 3D format exports)
but this protocol does't work at all under FreeMiNT.
This protocol has been tested succesfully on HADES
MiNT made by MEDUSA (which I can't get the right
version on MEDUSA Home Page). It works on MILAN
MiNT (I haven't tested it, but it was tested by
someone else who talked to E.B.). It works under
MAGIC and GENEVA. And of course it works under
single TOS. Something strange happens on FreeMiNT
that makes the process stop, and needs the reboot
of the computer. Maybe you would have an idea
about it ...
It was tested wrong with 1.15.0 version on
E.B.'s TT 030 and on my HADES 060 with various
versions of FreeMiNT.
Thanks for your Help !
Bye for now,
-- Francois LE COAT
Author Of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer 3D Modeller)
WEB : http://eureka.atari.org
E-mail : mailto:lecoat@atari.org