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Re: [MiNT] Euro-Sign

On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Guido Flohr wrote:

> I think we should sacrifice one of the many superfluous glyphs in the
> Atari codeset for that purpose.  Number one candidates for me are one
> of the bullets at number 248 and 249.  Of course this should be discussed
> with the Behne Bros. (NVDI) and Andreas Kromke (MagiC) so that we
> all follow a common route.
> I hope nobody will consider me to be a European chauvinist after that
> proposal. ;-)

248 is popular as a degree-sign.. 249 is a lousy bullet (not centered) so
that would be a good candidate.

Btw, I use an iso font (iso-monaco or iso-atari, whatever I feel like) on
my vcons, is the euro sign already defined in the iso set and if yes, are
the new iso ttyvfonts with euro sign already available? :)



* I don't believe in camera tricks.

*  What's more stupid than making a not-millenium-proof operating system?
**   Doing so in 1998.

          Maurits van de Kamp (maurits@bassment.demon.nl)

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