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Re: [MiNT] Q about MP

On Sun, 9 May 1999 20:40:48 +1200, Mario Becroft wrote:

MB>> For example ST-Guide keeps crashing even after setting its flags to
MB>> Readable (as suggested by JES). The type of crash is "free" - what does
MB>> it mean, please?
MB>I don't know what it means, but I had the same problem. ST-Guide can't be
MB>used at all. As soon as it is selected in the desk menu, it crashes.

It's much more interesting here: it does not crash when I select it in the desk
menu - it loads the default hypertext OK. Then, after Ctrl-O, I can select
another .HYP and it usually does not crash - but it seems to depend on the
size of the .HYP, because larger hypertexts (like e.g. Compendium with its 700
kB) causes ST-Guide to crash everytime. Is it a bug in ST-Guide 10.12.96?

MB>> Anyway, the worst are the silent freezes of operating system. For
MB>I don't know what JCLKTOOL is but I still got these freezes without using
MB>that program.

it's a very simple accessory that just watches Alt+Ctrl hotkeys and sends GEM
messages. Perhaps it has a bad memory leak that I never noticed without MP.

MB>> Could you please advise how to debug the freezes? I'll try to compile a
MB>> kernel with -DDEBUG at first. But I am afraid at the time when it's
MB>> freezed no debug keys will react.

I was right, unfortunately. Debug keys do not react when the computer is freezed.

MB>Memory protection would be very good if it worked well.

Exactly. And by "working well" I imagine that every application either runs fine
or is killed with that nice Alertbox. But no freezes.

E-mail: joy@sophics.zln.cz ; pstehlik@zln.cz             PARCP developer
   WWW: http://joy.atari.org/                          FreeMiNT/Linux-m68k
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