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Re: [MiNT] FreeMiNT 1.15.1

Hello Jo,

on Thu 13-05-1999 18:59 you wrote:

>On Thu, 13 May 1999 17:15:04 +0300 (EEST), Martin-Eric Racine wrote:
>> It seems that most of the bugs don't appear on machines with their 
>> own VDI imbeded into the graphic card drivers, in general.  Recent
>> fixes involve bypassing TOS routines completely, which explain it.
>I decided to try 1.15.1 on my TT and without using the graphics-card on
>my Falcon/Afterburner. This is what I found out:

Oke I tried it also on my TT030 without graphic card.

With MP enabled the system goes into a loop just before I get my login 
prompt, thus when the system loads the virtual console. (INIT=\c\multitos\init.prg)

When I disable "INIT=\c\multitos\init.prg" the system boots up but just 
after Thing 1.27 displays the desktop it get killed (maybe when the system 
tries to load Taskbar 2.51b). I can reload Thing however but the Taskbar 
isn't visible but it's in memory as I can see an entry in 

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