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Re: [MiNT] Here documents and CRLF

On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Guido Flohr wrote:

> > Actually, you *have* to pass "b" if it is meant to be binary -- everything
> > else is not proper ANSI-C.
> Yes, but on POSIX systems the "b" is ignored (because there is no
> difference between text and binary streams).  Does ANSI-C really demand
> that the "b" is recognized?  My understanding was that it is more portable
> to omit the "b" (and rather let M$-DOGgy systems fail).

No, ANSI does not demabr that it is recognized in any particular way 
(ie. it can be ignored), but as mentioned if you want your code to be 
portable to non-UNIX systems, you should stick the 'b' in when reading
binary codes.

Of course MiNT should probably be trying to follow POSIX guidelines as far
as possible, but still...

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         |    /     Kristoffer Lawson      |    www.fishpool.com
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