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Re: [MiNT] memory fragmentation


On Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 04:22:25PM +0200, Guido Flohr wrote:
> As Jo already said, the proper solution would be to make the kernel
> use the MMU what it had been designed for, for virtual memory 
> management.

Well, without virtual address spaces this won't help much, but I fear a
lot of GEM applications will cease to work, then, due to the many
protocols using pointers to exchange data between applications. How
would you want to do this? Automagically make all Mxalloced() memory
shared? I think it's not easy to find a solution here, but maybe I'm
just overlooking something.

> Apart from the need for VM I think that there are really some things
> that could at least reduce fragmentation.  My first idea shouldn't be
> that hard to implement: Under Magic the kernel evaluates a program
> flag that tells the kernel that the program has reserved space for
> the stack in the BSS.

This flag will be evaluated in the next beta, I just sent my diffs to
Frank. Additionally, you can now specify how much memory a normal
process (i.e. without F_SMALLTPA set) should get in addition to its
segments, via the new mint.cnf keyword "INITIALMEM".

Thus, if you put


into your mint.cnf, all processes will have (at most) a TPA which is

This is quite different to MAXMEM, especially because it does _not_
limit further memory allocation of the processes.



Thomas Binder (Gryf @ IRCNet)  gryf@hrzpub.tu-darmstadt.de
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