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[MiNT] Re: ext2 as root filesystem

> You never read any documentation. 

I am gonna be blunt about this one:

It is getting nearly impossible to tell which document to read,
or where to find it, when some documents haven't been updated
since 10 releases, or when others are found in the wrong package.

> Please look \in the config folder of your FreeMiNT 1.15.1 release.

So, there you go:  this is an ext2 question, but the answer is in
the kernel's docs, not the ext2 package.  Messy, messy, messy....

Martin-Eric Racine            http://pp.fishpool.fi/~q-funk/M-E/
The ATARI TT030 Homepage       http://funkyware.atari.org/TT030/
   "When the time comes, I will know and I shall be."  Q-Funk