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Re: [MiNT] TOSWIN, C.Felsch

On Sat, 28 Aug 1999, Jo Even Skarstein wrote:

> TosWin2 already does this when you change the terminal-size, but I have
> yet to find a program that handles this correctly. E.g. try running pine,
> mc or ncftp and change the terminal-size. None of these works properly
> after that, you have to shut them down and restart them.

That's funny, in my experience changing the window size while Pine or Tin
is running works quite well. I don't know about Ncftp or Mc but I take it
they would be ok too. I've done this with TOSWIN and also from remote
Telnet clients connected to my TT and the programs always resize to suit
the terminal size. Occasionally you get a bit of garbage on the screen,
I've found, but pressing Control-L to redraw the screen is enough to get
rid of this, if it happens at all.

> Changing the terminal-size according to the window-size is a no-brainer
> (just update the terminal-config with the new size and call reconfig_textwin()
> in the  WM_SIZED-handler), but I think it would be very slow if you have
> real-time resizing.

I also think this would be very useful. I would have done it myself a long
time ago if I was at all familiar with TOSWIN. However from what you say
it sounds like it would be easy to implement, so if nobody else has done
it I'll give it a go. I don't think it matters if real-time sizing is
slow, you can put up with that or disable real-time sizing if it's a
problem. In my opinion this is far better than as it currently is, whereby
the size must be changed by typing numbers into the configuration window.
This is counter-intuitive, in my opinion, and a tedious process.

| Mario Becroft                * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group |
| mb@tos.pl.net                * Atari Hardware Developments            |
| http://www.ak.planet.gen.nz/~mario/ * Atari Serial Mouse Interface    |