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[MiNT] *Several* Minix partitions?

Hi everybody,

I think that it is possible to have several minix partitions but HOW?

I already have a minix partition on a ZIP-cartridge where all my unified 
system is (/bin, /etc, /usr, etc). That was a silly idea because my ZIP became
an un-removable media... Just the contrary of its purpose.

So I decided to make a new minix partition on a 1.2 Gb IDE harddisc I just 
retreived in the corpse of my dead Falcon. I partitionned it in 3: 510 Mb RAW,
510 Mb RAW and 201.6 Mb BGM. I wanted to change the two 510 Mb partitions into
minix partitions.

Under BASH I typed:

minit -V -n 2 -P K:

minit -V -n 2 -P L:

Minit reported no error except that it complained for the unnecessary options. 
After that, both partitions K: and L: became unreachable either under BASH or
from Jinnee.

Here is what fsinfo reports:

files  links  path_max  name_max  atomic  trunc  case  file
   75      1       128        12       0    8+3    no  K:

files  links  path_max  name_max  atomic  trunc  case  file
   75      1       128        12       0    8+3    no  L:

Just as if both were plain TOS partitions... and fsck says that K: and L: are 
"Not recognized MinixFS partitions or MinixFS not running" and later "Bad
Superblock: Invalid Magic Number".

I also used minit to re-write the superblock (option -S). It worked without 
error but made no effect. I tried to partition with SCSITools and HDDriver but
it made no difference. I tried to re-boot after partitionning and after
"minit-ing" but the problem remained unsolved.

While typing, I got an idea: Are all my problems due to the fact that it is an 
IDE harddisc?

If not, what did I forgot to do? Please... Help me... I'm ready to drop MiNT 
and to buy a Wintel crapbox...  ;-)

Important informations: Hades 060, MiNT 1.15.2b, Minit 0.31, Minix.XFS 0.71.

Remi Villatel
E-mail: maxilys@normandnet.fr
